Monday, December 7, 2009


It actually snowed in Moraga. REAL SNOW. Not "intense hailing". Oh no, this is a actual real life snow. And it's beyond amazing. The entire campus is outside having snowball fights, singing christmas songs, and dancing around. Our whole suite was together for the first time in awhile. And it really does feel magical!! I haven't seen the snow in about 8 years and I'd never seen it fall. So happy right now :)

Sunday, December 6, 2009

It's over?

The dance show is officially over, as are my stage managing duties until February (unless Dalloway is chosen for ACTF and that's a whole nother issue). It's a very weird feeling to know I don't have to worry about SM stuff for awhile but I don't know if I like it or not. I hope I enjoy acting. I look forward to it at least.
Finals are the devil. The end.

Friday, December 4, 2009


My ipod automatically played "without you" and "time of your life" this morning.
We love and miss you Uncle Rob.
December 26, 1948-December 4, 2006

Monday, November 30, 2009


Thank you Mey for the card! It completely made my day :)
I love you!

Updates from the past two weeks

Okay. Updates!

1. Dalloway came and went. It was beautiful and I couldn't have imagined it going any better. Although I'm sad that it's over, I also welcome a new challenge. I'm one of those weird people who needs challenges to an extent.
2. Dance show tech starts tomorrow! I finished my cues over break and I am super excited to start tomorrow. Nervous yes. Very nervous. I've never designed lights for anything before. Nevertheless, it's going to be awesome. And I love my crew. Danielle, Galindo, Liam, Molly, and David-can't wait.
3. Thanksgiving was so much fun. A much needed break combined with wonderful family times equals a truly amazing 5 days. My cousins were super cute. And Eli knows my name! AND let me near him. This is improvement. I love this. Can't wait for Christmas.
4. Finals might kill me but hey, I had it easy last year so this is making up for the easy stuff. Let's just say I'm really going to earn my Christmas break.
5. I'm completely in Christmas mode and I LOVE it. The second family was gone on Thanksgiving I pulled out the Christmas CDs and forced my cousins to listen to my favorite song about 5 times before I realized that was overkill. We started decorating before I left and the house will be all ready minus the tree by the time I come home. The tree is my thing :)

I will be better about updating this thing... :)

Monday, November 16, 2009


Finishing my night in bed watching How I Met Your Mother while reading mlia
My room is clean. I am cozy. I have research for my paper and an outline. No rehearsal until Thursday. Saw parents, Tanner, Jim, and Nancy last night and it was amazing.
Life is good.

Friday, November 13, 2009


Congratulations to Mey for her Kennedy Center internship! This is awesome, I'm proud of you Mey!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Am I really still up?

-Oh the joys of homework. I will punch the next person who claims being a theater major is easy.
-Two days till opening! We are totally ready for this.
-Still figuring out my life. This is not so fun. However my friends are really helping me get through it. I love them. A lot.
-Note to actors: DO NOT GIVE DANIELLE RELAXATION PILLS BEFORE A RUN! Danielle has been stressed recently and one actor decided it would be a good idea to give her a pill that would relax her. worked. A little too well. She was almost completely out of it until we actually started the run but she got through it.
-Can't wait to see people this week and next at the show.
-I'm working all day on my day off this Sunday...but at least I get paid! Work 8:15-12:15 then babysitting 2:00-5:00. It's not a lot but it's something!
-Anyone with loan/scholarship advice, please let me know! I would greatly appreciate any help I can get right now

Okay. That's about it right now. Love to you all.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

And on we go

Rehearsal had some high tensions but in general it went well.
I need to start facing reality or learning how to deal with it because this whole facing it every 3 months or so is not working out. It really hits you in the face when you do deal with it.
Parents here on Saturday with Tanner. Can't wait :)

Monday, November 9, 2009


It's been a very successful day/night

1. Tech weekend is over and successful. Issues with costume stuff but that's natural--it's only the first day with costumes!
2. My director paid me the highest compliment today. She told me that I call cues better than some professionals she worked with and hearing that from her was extremely rewarding.
3. I have a lighting design concept/cues ready for Marissa's group piece and solo
4. I picked the play and scene that I for my shakespeare research project
5. I developed a schedule for next semester that will neither kill me nor let me get away with too much
6. I officially declared my major!
7. We open on Thursday. I am beyond thrilled.

I love life.

Friday, November 6, 2009

I Practice the Art of Timing

I practice the art of timing. I am an artist. I am not a painter, a sculptor, a choreographer, a composer, or a director but I have my own skill. Timing is my gift. Finding the right moments in life is what I strive for.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The beginning of the end

So we have reached that point in the semester when I constantly have to remind myself to A, breathe, B, that I cannot control everything, and C, that my best is good enough even though I am not perfect. Dalloway goes into tech on Saturday and though I am nervous, I am really excited to finally get the ball rolling on all these crazy cues I will be calling. I have to get together two lighting design concepts by Monday which is proving to be extremely difficult so that makes things interesting. I have a paper to work on for Reid. However, my grades have actually been really good and I'm so happy that I'm not completely failing at life (ok. I exaggerate. I don't exactly fail at life on a regular basis. But you get the picture). Parents and Tanner come in one week to see the show!! So excited. My friend Stephanie is most likely transferring to a bay area college next semester and is considering St. Mary's which I am thrilled about. Finances and paying for school are still two major concerns in my life but I have to force myself to think positively or I will actually lose my mind. Thanksgiving break in 19 days. Christmas break 10 days after that. This semester is flying by but I can't wait for my two favorite holidays. This is my favorite time of year and I plan to enjoy it as much as possible :)
Loved talking to you tonight, Mey. I still plan on calling you soon. Considering neither of us has free time this is a very interesting concept but it will happen. Sometime. Soon. I love you!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Okay so my head is still spinning. No, not from alcohol last night which I refused multiple times nor from the cold I am battling. I went to 6 Flags with Andrew and Danielle today and if you know me, you know I despise rides. However since I agreed to go, I figured I should give the rides a try. I went on two rides both of which terrified me beyond belief and just thinking about them makes the room spin. Let's just say that I was right when I decided rides weren't really for me...

I got a call from my mom today which I found odd because I had just talked to her last night. She said our first trick or treaters were at my house and wanted to say hello. I figured it would be the kids I babysit but then I heard older voices. I was so surprised to hear Caitlin, Caroline, Taylor, and Alex's voices! It completely made my day to talk to them. So I had 4 of the 6 on the phone tonight and talked to the other two online--pretty good for one day!

My old Technical Director, Greg, is in the hospital. As far as I can tell it's not serious but being away from home still makes me worry since I'm not there. Britt is going to update me best she can. My prayers are numerous right now.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The past week

It's almost Friday!
I have begun my traditional pre-tech panicking right on schedule. Yep. Dance show combined with classes combined with cal state apps combined with dalloway combined with department stuff combined with being sick AND lack of sleep=a not so pleasant SM. Oops.
However we are less than two weeks from opening and I am so excited!!!! :)

I fail at updating this. I will better.
Love you all.

Friday, October 23, 2009

What to talk about...

This has been a hectic week. Not too much to say other than I'm SO GLAD it's Friday. Danielle and Andrew and I are continuing our weekend tradition of going to Mel's (though we have to go tonight as opposed to our usual Saturday because I have to go to the SF symphony tomorrow night). I am housesitting for Marissa and Amanda. And I'm just crossing fingers that the ugliness of this week is behind us :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Beauty and the Beast

I feel like I was part of Beauty and the Beast even though I didn't work on it. One of my favorite parts of returning to my high school is I feel instantly welcomed back into my theater circle of friends as if I never left. Which may be why it was difficult to leave this weekend. It was like closing a show and leaving my friends all at the same time. I also knew that this would be the last time I would be able to do this. There is a very good chance that I won't be able to get home for the spring musical (it was the same weekends as sweeney last year) and my girls are all graduating this year. When on earth did time pass so quickly??

Monday, October 19, 2009


You're welcome :)
I missed his performance (and Jenna and Galindo's) due to the warm up for the Dalloway portion of the showcase so I recruited Danielle to video tape for me and it was awesome. Glad I got it on video. The showcase went well and now I'm glad it's over!
I miss you. When we find gaps in our schedule (which is...never) we need to talk. About life. And all that entails. I love you!

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Good to know I haven't grown since I was TWELVE. As in, 7 years ago. I tried on my junior bridesmaid's dress from 7th grade and it still fits perfectly. Can't tell if this is good or bad.

In other news, Beauty and the Beast was even better the second time around and that might even have made it harder to leave tonight. I already miss them. It's hard.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Stage Management

Theatre is my life. I pride myself on the fact that I love and appreciate this special art form and I feel honored to work such an inspiring environment. I found my passion for stage management 3 years ago and I haven't looked back since. I'm not perfect. I am still learning. But I truly love my job. I have good days and I have bad days. I still get upset when I get emails from Michael telling me that I forgot to put something away at night because I know that I know better or Linda tells me that I missed something and I still get really excited when everything goes well. However, I don't purely define my successes on whether or not the theater looks perfect, emails are sent to the right people at the right time, or that rehearsals run exactly on time. My real success is in the trust I receive from the actors. If I know that they know that they can come to me with anything, can trust me to keep their lives running smoothly, can rely on me when they are having trouble, and can consider me a friend as well as their stage manager, then I know I've done my job right. It's not always about looking perfect. My relationships with actors and technicians are what keeps me going when those bad days pop up and how I feel useful when bad days happen to them. If I am nothing but a person that they can trust, then all of this is worth it. It won't matter if I screwed up one night or even if I never hit broadway. Knowing that I've been blessed to work with so many wonderful people and being a source of stability for them is all I really need.

Friday, October 16, 2009


Home is incredible
Saw Beauty and the Beast tonight. I've always loved the work my high school does but their shows seem to be getting better and better. I'm so proud of the tech girls and the actors. Although their were some tech mistakes, Brittny did a great job with handling it. It was so nice seeing my friends again too! Seeing the show again tomorrow :)
Weather is awesome down here this weekend! So happy about that. Had lunch with dad on the wharf. I really enjoyed that. He has been talking about changes but I am trying to focus on the positive. I really don't like change but since it's inevitable, I should at least look at the bright side.
Okay. I am very happy. I had a really insightful blog going on in my head on the way home but now I have no idea what I was saying so I can't actually write it down. Oh well. It will come to me later :)


I'm going home finally!!!!!!!! I leave in 40 minutes. I am so so so excited!!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Happy Thoughts

-I have an amazing ASM
-I am going home on Friday
-Seeing my girls finally
-The Forest Theater will be fine. I hope.
-I have the best sisters ever
-I am surrounded by wonderful people
-I am very blessed


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sometimes...I hate being right
I hate knowing that I predicted this
And that I let it happen again

Saturday, October 10, 2009


I am sick of writing papers. The rough draft of my seminar paper is due Tuesday and the final draft is due the 20th. So I will have at least a week to get it perfect if perfection is unattainable this weekend.
We did suzuki in foundations yesterday. It did enhance my understanding of Japanese theater...we were all just in a little tired by the end of the week so it was not our favorite part.
I was cast in the Jan Term show! The parts haven't been assigned yet (it's done similar to our show right now--everyone is a narrator and the lines have yet to be divided) but I'm really excited to work on it. I've never officially been in a musical and I've only officially been in one play (my director liked to throw me in to random musicals in high school though) so this will be a very new experience and I'm glad I will get to see the other side of the production. Danielle is going to be a fabulous SM.
Okay. Must work. Call me. I want to talk to people.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

It has not been a good night.
And I don't want to rant and bitch when I'm in a bad mood because I'll just end up saying stupid things.
So I am going to finish my homework. Get into bed. And look forward to the days ahead.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


-Audition moved to Thursday since the theater was being used on Monday during my scheduled time
-Paper turned in! Currently working on paper #2 of the week
-Knee still hurts. Need to go to doctor but finding time is nearly impossible
-Housesitting for Linda starting on Thursday!!!! Spending time taking care of Sadie and writing a seminar paper all weekend. I'm actually really looking forward to it. I love housesitting.
-I go home in 10 days and I'm super excited. I have missed my parents, my friends, my school, and my kitty very much. Good thing too because I am in love with Andrew's cat and I need my own kitty soon before I go nuts.
-Grades are still good. Crossing fingers these papers don't screw that up!
-One month till tech weekend. Ohh lord here we go.
-Time for homework :) Dear friends, I love you and miss you!

Monday, October 5, 2009


Well I did it. Paper #1 is done. And to tell you the truth, I actually like it. Now I have no idea if Reid will or not but I am hoping he does.

Fall preview day was today. That was fun.

Rehearsal was rehearsal. End of story.

Andrew Danielle and I are contemplating a roadtrip to disneyland sometime in the future. No ide when considering I don't have a free weekend until Jan term but we'll see.

My audition is tomorrow at 10:00. I'm so nervous. Very excited yes and I feel prepared but still not quite sure how it's going to go.

Okay. Sleep would be good now :)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

I should be in bed

But I had an awesome day so I need to blog.

Morning: Apple store and target with Sami and Natalie
Afternoon: Checked on Sadie at Linda's
Late afternoon/evening: Went to Andrew's with my ASM Danielle to watch the Sweeney DVD. That in itself was hilarious. #1, his roommate just got a kitten. I was in love. This was apparent the second I got inside the door. If you know me, you know cats are my weakness. Watching Sweeney was hilarious. We commentated throughout the entire DVD and Danielle and I watched Andrew cringe during his scenes (he really wasn't bad. But I can understood why he felt that way. hard to watch yourself onstage). So we watched that till about 8 and realized we all hadn't eaten all day and were hungry. Went to Mel's, spent about an hour there. Somehow we got into the discussion about the ghost in the theater and Andrew wanted to prove his manliness by "beating up the ghost" in the bathroom. So we actually drove to St. Mary's and went into the theater. Andrew did not find Lily in the bathroom but I think she just wanted to outsmart him. We ended up onstage and were there until 2:00 when my suitemates called, concerned about where I was. I then realized that I had to work fall preview day the next morning and should probably sleep. Except my car was still at his apartment. So we drove back. He had an adventure first though. He explored all the roads of st. mary he hadn't seen in awhile and sped around the roundabouts a few times before finally getting off campus.
Hilarious and awesome night. Danielle and I had a blast. I think sleep is good since tomorrow is going to be epically long. Fall preview day. Linda's. Rehearsal. Finish 7 page paper (I'm doubting it will reach 8). Write stuff for lighting design. Yep. I'm exhausted right now but tonight was totally worth it

Saturday, October 3, 2009

My Life at St. Mary's

I haven't changed that much since I got here. But if there is one thing I can say, I can say I have an even deeper appreciation for those in my life. I always knew I loved my friends and family and would do anything for them. The hierarchy of my life goes friends/family-school-theater. In that order. No question. But since I got here, that has meant even more to me. Because even though I can't be there to sit on my daddy's lap after work or make a starbucks run before class and drudge through assembly or drive taylor caitlin brittny alena caroline or alex around when they need a ride or listen to Skadoosh practice in my garage while I try to distract Anna and Brittny or be there when taylor wants a hug, I am still always there. My motto is that I am never far away--even if I am not there physically, I am always there spiritually. I still think of home constantly and hope they are thinking of me. I say goodnight to taylor every night even though she can't hear me. I write extensive emails to my parents detailing my day when we can't find time to talk. I send letters religiously. I tell Tanner I love him even though it drives him crazy. And I fill my days with the love of the people I have here at St.Mary's. I love my life more than I can say. You think you can't love any more than you already do...and then suddenly this new person comes into your life and you find one more way to love. There are a million ways to love...use them to the best of your ability.

The past 24 hours

I've actually had a pretty nice couple of days. Once I got past the barriers my paper posed, I was able to deal with it in manageable pieces and my stress level has fallen drastically.
I really wish I could videotape rehearsal sometime but the best moments come so randomly that I doubt we would have ever gotten the greatest moments on tape. The motto of our show is, "to allow ourselves and fellow actors to fail spectacularly". This philosophy has really allowed us to feel comfortable with each other and to try new things without the possibility of ridicule. It's great to watch all of them experiment with movement and accents and spacial relationships with no hesitation. Plus they are absolutely hilarious. Danielle, one of my ASMs, is also really great to work with. She and I have become very close over the past couple of weeks. We are always laughing and having a good time during rehearsal and we have bonded with the cast. This cast makes my life so much better during the hard days.
Danielle came over at 2 am last night. We listened to dance music. We talked. Just hung out. And then we realized we probably should sleep. We are going to Andrew's tomorrow to watch the Sweeney DVD since she has never seen it and Andrew has to sing Johanna for a performing arts thing in a couple weeks and he wants to "critique" himself.

Prospective student and parents in Foundations today. Haha ohh they picked a crazy day to come. It was one of our scattered/slightly inappropriate theater talk/playing games day. Yay theater.

Kind of off day in dance today. Might have been my exhaustion and being distracted that threw me off; I just didn't feel connected to the dances or the music today. However, that was not enough to ruin my day. I've also really got to start taking care of my knees. My right knee has good and bad days. The bad days usually happen on dance days or days when I use a lot of stairs. The left knee feels left out and has decided to start hurting too only it's nothing like the right. The right just has issues.

Okay. Highlight of my day. I saw A Midsummer Night's Dream at Cal Shakes tonight. Now I was excited to see this production since my friends Christina and Sam both worked on and they said it was really good. I like Midsummer. It's the shakespeare play I know the best (I made my theatrical debut in midsummer when I was 12. Haven't been in a play since). I like the plotline. And I can understand the language and the storyline without having to think too hard. However, I thought it would just be another very well done but fairly classic rendition of this show.
I couldn't have been more wrong. This show defied my expectations in every sense. Puck was incredible and stole the show. The characters were given a modern twist but not to the extent that you felt it took away from the integrity of the show. They incorporated popular songs (which was a huge hit) and also included original music using both shakespeare's original language and songs that were written around the theme of the show. I haven't seen a show that moved me that much in a long time. I was completely engaged at every moment. The show ended with a rock song written about the show and kind of reminded me of Spring Awakening (similar style) and I was on the edge of my seat smiling the entire time. There were some absolutely gorgeous lighting moments and the physicality of the actors were amazing. I can't get past how incredible it was and how much I truly enjoyed the performance. Of course now I have to write a 5 page paper by Thursday (on top of the 7 page paper due Monday for reid's other class) but this production speaks for itself. Writing my paper will be no problem.

Break a leg for your opening night Mey! I'm so proud of you and everything you have accomplished. I really wish that I could be there cheering you on but you know that I will always be here supporting you. I cannot WAIT to see you in a couple weeks.
"You'll be swell. You'll be great. Gonna have the whole world on a plate. Starting here, starting now, everything's coming up roses."
Love you!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Can I just say that I love how statuses become epic conversations each night.
Between Danielle, Talbot, and myself, I end up conversing with most of my theater friends via one of our statuses for most of the night.

Dear Mey. You are not old. You are beautiful. You should be on glee. Love munchkin.

Beautiful Night

Rehearsal was hilarious (though a table has gone missing. Dear Lilly, please return our table).
I finally have a freaking structure for my paper and know how to write it and what to write.
Talked to mommy finally.
Have dance tomorrow.
Seeing Midsummer at Cal Shakes tomorrow.
Sweeney DVD viewing with Andrew and Danielle on Saturday.
Home in 2 weeks!

Dear friends, I love you.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sink or swim

I spent a good part of tonight crying over my stupid paper. I don't normally cry over homework. I just like to deal with it and get over it. I don't like to cry in general over things. But I feel unprepared enough to write this monster that I don't even know where to start and combined with my lack of sleep and stress in other areas of my life it has results in hysterics. Dislike. My only consolation is I'm not the only person in my class who feels this way.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Lots to do!

I'm one of the freaky artisty people who work better at night
So instead of going to bed early (ok...early for me), I am going to start this monster of a paper and save me some serious heartache later.

Goodnight, I'll see you in my dreams

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Adrianna Wellisch

I had the privilege of working with Adrianna Wellisch for 4 years. She was the main costumer's assistant at Catalina and at PacRep theater and helped us out in so many ways. She passed away of lung cancer last Tuesday and although I am sad that we lost her, I'm glad she is no longer in pain. She battled this for a very long time.
Thank you for always being there with a quick fix, a solution, or just a smile. You will never be forgotten.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Things I need to do

To Do List: Week of September 28

-Write 8 page paper for Reid
-Write a fake press release
-Practice for jazz and ballet
-Fit in 4-5 stage craft hours
-Memorize monologue
-Actually prepare monologue
-Take car in to be fixed
-Compose prop lists
-Transfer info from one script to another
-See Midsummer on Friday
-Talk to parents. Talk to sisters. Talk to friends. Remind them that I acknowledge their existence, I just don't express it as often as I should.

Off to read Midsummer (so glad I know this play well!) and Don Quixote. Can't wait to move onto the Tempest for Thursday's reading :)

Amazing Night

Homework is super easy tonight and nearly completed.
We have a guest in Foundations tomorrow--the understudy for all the women's roles in Brief Encounter who is a friend of Reid's and was part of the original broadway cast of Titanic
Rehearsal was hilarious per usual. I can't even really describe what happens....just that it makes me smile
The costume fittings were awesome. The boys look incredible in their tuxes (I swear, I wouldn't be surprised if they all ended up in relationships by closing night. Combine 4 attractive men with tuxedos and British accents and you're asking for magic) and I love the girls' costumes.
Danielle and I bonded over burritos at late night and I'm really happy that we get along so well. Especially since we will be part of an awesome SM team for the next couple of years!
And I had the most AMAZING talk with one of my Catalina BFFs Stephanie. Dear Stephanie, I am so happy we were able to talk tonight and I hope you will be transferring up to SF next semester! I would be so happy to be closer to you. I'm glad we got to talk about Catalina and our lives and have therapy sessions.

Ok Mey. I'm off to bed :)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Dear Glorified Furniture Mover #3,

Congrats on your first weekend of previews!

Moving furniture is awesome. Well...okay so that was my job in theater for 3 years so I became slightly attached to it but I also ran into multiple pieces of furniture backstage and that was not so exciting.

Sleep soon :) I will hopefully do the same tonight. But the prospect of relaxing soon is not looking promising.

I love you. Talk to you soon :)

Love Munchkin

Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Brief Encounter

Today was great.
-Got car fixed.'s fixed to an extent. I will probably need more done to it.
-2 hours of dance
-BART to the city to see Brief Encounter!
Highlights from the night:
-Accidentally stealing a map from a homeless man
-" least we got a map...?"
-Eating in subway to avoid being harassed on the street only to be bugged by a man near us.
-Getting handed a flyer for happy hour somewhere
-"Was that a hooker?"
-Our theater horror story session in Starbucks to kill time
-Finding our group outside the theater by spotting McCue and Tatiana dancing to an a capella group song
-Danielle and I in love with the theater and convincing ourselves that one day we will stage manage in a theater like that
-Liam Andrew Hannah and Renee sneaking in late. While the rest of us stared at them.
-The show! So amazing.
-Reid trying to come up with a theater project for us to do because he was so into the show and excited and creative
-"Why am I wet?"

All in all it was a great night. Oasis was tonight too. I did not attend but that works just fine for me.

Have a great preview weekend Mey! ♥

Friday, September 25, 2009

This will be my sporadic blog

I just found this photo and it touches my heart in ways that moves me to tears currently but at the same time makes me smile. This is Father's Day 2004. The two men in the middle are my Uncles Rob and Joe. Most of you know they passed away a few years ago (Rob to skin cancer, Joe to a tragic boat accident) and to have this photo of the two of them (with my cousin and his father-in-law) means so much to me. Plus I find it hilarious.

I've had what feels like the longest week of my life. It concludes with my car battery dying yet again. The up side is I have no class until 1:00 and those both are dance classes which can be missed if necessary. Hannah and Andrew have talked me through what they thinking is causing the problem and as long as I wake up early enough tomorrow to get this sorted out, all should be good for spending time with Renee on Saturday!

Oh yeah. Renee is one of my campers from the summer. Freshman in high school now, incredibly sweet, outgoing, and awesome. Can't wait to see her.

Going to SF tomorrow to see Brief Encounter with my Foundations of Theater class. Super excited.

Okay. That's all I have to say. I think. Knowing me I will find something else to say at like 2 am...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I miss the days of Mey and Christina and Kate and Jillian showing up hours early for rehearsal. I really do. I have 3 who plan ahead in this cast and the rest saunter in at like 6:29 or right at 6:30 or even 6:35 and then get insulted when I tell them that they are late. I got numerous eye rolls today. That's really getting old. I know they don't like being told they are late but we are going by my clock and we start at 6:30 on the dot. If you aren't in the building when I say we're starting, then you're late.
Breathe in...breathe out...Friday comes soon enough and then I will have enough happiness to carry me through till next week.
I also made a really big decision today and the enormity of it hasn't hit me yet. That's going to be exciting. Haha.

All Done

Homework is finished. Thank the lord. I could rant and bitch about it but I spent enough of my night doing that and I need some good energy for sleeptime.
Kate Cooper made a surprise visit to campus this afternoon and completely turned my day around. I wasn't having the happiest of days (busy. and everyone around me having awful days. I did multiple therapy sessions in the Ageno A parking lot) but then I arrive at the theater, I see her, we talk, we catch up on life, and suddenly everything is so much better. Rehearsal was also hilarious. I must say, watching Liam and Andrew Talbot flutter around stage (yes the text does call for fluttering and they respect this with the utmost dignity) kind of made my night that much better.
Now I am off to clean, to dance, to read, and to sleep.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

This is fun

I am currently focusing on not having a mental breakdown
and will give you the happy updates once I have accomplished this
because I promise they exist

Awkwardness is invading my room

St. Mary's has a new cable plan. Comcast guys came around this morning to install it. I now have an awkward and unattractive black box and cable protruding from my wall completely exposed because there is nothing to cover it. Very nice.

And I have a strange but very strong urge to do a rain dance to make fall weather arrive quicker. I'm not sure how socially acceptable that would be though.

Late at night

I enjoy late at night entirely too much.
I am perfectly content to be working late into the night and am usually happiest at this time.
Except tomorrow morning I will not be so pleased. 8:30 comes awfully early when you stay up till 2 am.

I need my ASM back

And by ASM I mean Jen. I have an ASM. I've had other ASMs since Jen. But I want her back. Why? Because she was always at rehearsal without fail. I knew I could count on her for everything and she knew everything I knew about the show. She understood the show, she lived the show, she could answer any questions. Of course I had no backup person which was a bit panicking but luckily it never came to that.
Now I have too many rehearsal assistants+1 ASM and none of them are here every night. 2 come one night a week, 1 comes 3 nights a week, and 2 come 2 nights a week. Much too complicated for this show...which I discovered about halfway through rehearsal when we sent an actor home sick and I had to send my brand new rehearsal assistant up on stage to stand in her place while I attempted to A) Record blocking B) Read absent actors lines C) Make changes to the line division. while also yelling at actors who got too close to the edge of the set and were bound to fall off. Needless to say, rehearsal was slightly more stressful. But while all this was happening, I couldn't think of a reasonable solution that would work with my current situation. This show is so precise and ever changing that I need someone who will understand the show as well as I do and be here every single night. The line division changes hourly so an actor who once said part of a certain line suddenly does not and that line has been divided up among 5 other actors and if someone besides me isn't keeping track of this, something is going to go missing. So. My plan for this week is to coerce one of my numerous rehearsal assistants to spend quality time with me 5 nights a week.
Besides that my day was...haha...hectic!

10:20-11:20: Lighting design
11:30-12:00: Foundations quiz
12:00-12:30: Reid speeding through his lecture and then assigning more homework than any of us have time for
12:35-12:50: Lunch?
1:00-2:00: Jazz dance
2:15-3:15: Ballet
3:20-4:20: Stage craft lab hours
4:30-5:00: In room. Showering. Attempting to make sense of my life. You know, philosophical things.
5:00-5:15: Reading for pleasure in theater
5:15-5:30: Dinner
5:30-6:30: Rehearsal set up
6:30-10:0: Rehearsal rehearsal rehearsal.

And now, I am finishing up my research assignment (also for Reid!) on Peter Brook to present to the class tomorrow and someone find time to do my seminar reading. Don Quixote needs to be

And my ceiling is leaking. Fantastic.

Bright side? Jazz dance was amazing. Actors are happy. I haven't officially screwed anything up yet (though the actors tried to make it seem like I messed up their schedule. I hadn't. They just need to learn how to read. Okay that was harsh but seriously, when it says Wednesday, everything written underneath that until you reach Thursday will happen on WEDNESDAY).

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Reason Why I Love my Life

-My cast
-The boys: Talbot, Galindo, Liam, Frank, David, Kevin
-British accents
-Sweeney reminiscing and explaining all the chaos that went on with that show to the newbies
-My supremely organized Dalloway binder
-Delia, the best director I've ever worked with
-All the fun we have in rehearsal
-Watching the random actors onstage make faces
-My dance class
-The new dining hall
-Building sets
-The script
-My (current) grades
-Having friends in classes and always being greeted by someone
-Lighting design
-Having a job
-Singing all the time
-Keeping in touch with last year's seniors
-Keeping in touch with all the camp friends
-Loving my classes
-Visits to the city
-My family
-Fall is approaching
-My clean room

I need it to be fall

There was one day of cold weather including rain last week
That was enough for me to get really excited for summer to be over
False alarm. It is most definitely still summer up here in the 925.
Forecast? Sunday: 88. Monday: 94. Tuesday: 103. Wednesday: 100. Thursday: 95.
Fall/early winter is my happy time. I am extremely content October-December. I love the rain and warm clothes and holidays. I love the feelings associated with this season. People are happy and grateful for what they have and I often have my best memories during this time of year.
So Moraga. Let's go get some cold weather soon, shall we?

Friday, September 18, 2009


I love Fridays. They make me happy.

So far my classes are going well. From what I can tell, I'm doing well in them too. This is a plus.

Bought a cute new dress today. As Sami puts it, this is my Stage Manager dress. This will work.

Went to a concert tonight. That was fun. And now I must sleep so I can wake up early for my first day of work :)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I don't even have words right now...

Tonight I found out that one of my newest friends has a completely awful situation going on at home.
I have always known I'm extremely blessed when it comes to family. I feel so lucky to have my parents, my extended family, and my friends (who are like family) in my life. I have lost very important family members but my family has always stuck together. Tonight has made me realize that even more. I love you all so much and honestly don't know how I would live without you. My heart aches for my friend and I only wish that there was more we can do. But we are going to do everything we can to help her out.

I only wish that I could see all of you right now and give you a hug and tell you how lucky I feel to have you in my life. But since it is past 11 pm...and most of you live elsewhere...I will be calling/texting/emailing all of you instead.

I love you.

Haha. Oh Abundance. Thanks for helping my complete my homework assignment.

The Night in Which We Did Not Have an Abundance of Good Luck

Picture a faded greenish-brown textured stage with pieces of carpet interspersed among the traditional paint to give the setting a more lifelike quality to represent the boundless American west. Add two representations of log cabins, 6 painfully obnoxious (from a tech’s perspective. They were actually very visually pleasing) ground rows, and a cyclorama flanking upstage to represent the expansive western sky. Add one director, 5 actors, 8 crew members, and 4 ushers and you are caught up to where our story begins. To give you a brief description, Abundance details the lives of two young women, Bess Johnson and Macon Hill and their husbands, Jack Flan and Will Turner and their journey through hardship, prosperity, and the underlying truth of friendship. I, Shannon, will be telling this story from my perspective on that one fateful performance when everything just seemed to go wrong.

The point of attack occurs at 6 pm on November 15. The crew is setting up the stage, my co-stage manager is meticulously organizing her prop table, and the actors are perfecting their make up, costumes, and hair, and, every so often, interjecting with comments about the day, the costumes that tend to pose problems, and how they wish they could skip the last scene before intermission (for reasons that will only make sense to those involved). Everything appears to be going perfectly. I am constantly pacing back and forth from backstage left, down the hall, out to the lobby to the box office when I quickly turn around and retrace my steps while the house manager asks me for the 5th time why I am in the lobby. And then I repeat this. I appear more nervous and excited tonight because my parents are coming. 7:30 approaches and we open the house. I am not the only person nervous tonight. Macon’s parents are coming as well and she is concerned that the fires California always seem to be plagued with will prevent them from arriving. Her parents arrive well before the curtain goes up. I am happy for her. However, mine do not. I do not like this and become more agitated each moment. At 7:53, 5 minutes before places, I receive a phone call telling me that my parents will be late. I instantly become frazzled and disappointed but am aware that the show must go on. Minutes pass and soon the clock strikes 8. I know I must start the show. I slowly climb to the booth and join my two comrades who live in the lighting booth with me. Sounds go, lights go, and…I miss my cue. The very first lighting cue. Here comes the climax of the show. Although a missed lighting cue should easily be forgotten, the sense of tension in the booth leads us to believe that this is just the beginning of something. Per usual, Bess comes on stage with her characteristic frightened but curious look and takes a seat. Soon after Macon enters. She is empty handed. This is not supposed to happen. Suddenly everyone on headset goes wild because we are full aware that she is supposed to carry on a plate of biscuits which are really the beginning of their friendship. In essence--no biscuits, no friendship, no play. I then spend the next 5 minutes sending as many good vibes to the actors and constantly talking to myself telling me that they are extremely capable and will find a way to improvise this scene. By this point, the light operator and sound operator are looking at me like I am crazy and have stopped responding to anything I say. I am flustered again because not only am I concerned that my friends are terrified on stage but I also have no idea where my next light cue is going to happen. While on this is happening, the actors are successfully continuing onstage. By some miracle the scene finishes (with plenty of improvisation, random entrances, and powerful good luck chanting happening in the booth). The overall feeling is that that was certainly a terrifying moment for a theatrical production but we survived and the show went on. Little did we know that there was one more trick to completely throw us off guard. I call for the lights to come up for the next scene. We see Jack cross upstage towards stage right and reach out for a rope which will pull on a set piece that represents his cabin (it connects with a small platform that expands their playing space). Halfway through pulling the cabin on, it suddenly stops. I can see a panicked, yet masked well, look on Jack’s face. He is aware that this piece is essential for at least 3 scenes in this show. Once again every goes crazy on headset trying to solve this problem. He makes the wise decision of leaving the set piece halfway. Stage hands are trying to figure out what happened, I am once again praying that the actors aren’t losing their minds, and the poor guys in the booth with me are shaking their heads and trying not to get caught up in the pandemonium. The moment of release comes when we finally reach intermission. I am able to go backstage, give hugs, tell the actors I am extremely proud of the work they did onstage and glad they remained composed. We then continue the show with no mistakes.

(If I actually directed this show, I would also include numerous flashbacks to rehearsals to give context and backstage. It would also provide for some entertaining moments).

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Let's not overschedule ourselves shall we?

Note to self:
When you have a free afternoon, DON'T BOOK EVERY POSSIBLE MOMENT. That results in A) Hunger B) Stress C) Irritability and D) lack of time to do the important things like homework.

My day:
10:20-11:00: Lighting design. Got out early. Had a mocha. Very relaxing
11:30-12:30: Foundations of theater. discussed medea. loved it.
12:30-1:20: Standing in line for lunch. Following people around to find a seat till I decided the theater is way cooler (in more than one sense). Bonded with Renee (transfer student)
1:20-3:40: Stagecraft lab hours. Built scenery. Bonded with Kevin (new tech student). Faced/conquered my fear of the saw.
3:45-4:20: Watched senior dance pieces. Tried to get inspiration for Marissa's lighting since I am designing it. Haha. I fail.
4:20-5:51: Driving to Linda's.
5;51-5:10: Played with Sadie!
5:10-5:40: Driving back
5:40-6:00: Dinner?
6:00-6:30: Set up for rehearsal.
6:30-9:40: Wonderful rehearsal. Lots of laughter. And inside jokes. This cast knows how to cheer me up. And Jenna got me a pink pencil to indicate her color in my script. She was originally black but she didn't like that. So now Jenna's lines are marked in pink.
10:10 ish: I arrive in my room. Tired and realizing I don't get a break (well... a legit break. I get mini teaser breaks) until 10:00 pm. Upside? I talked to Linda and her tech went well and she was happy. I watched the DVD of the dance show and was reminded how happy I was at that time last year. And by my standards, I had a good day.

What is my grading scale for a good day you may ask?

1. Are actors happy?
2. Have I not screwed up yet?
3. Is my homework started before rehearsal?

The answer to everything was yes. So really, today was a good day :) I was actually extremely content right before my chaos began. Love my classes, my friends, my show, dance...everything really. Now I need to finish my homework and go sleep and then be awesome in class tomorrow (and yes Mey, you will be my inspiration to be awesome in class).

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Stairs are not my friend

Stairs. Some find them to be a slight inconvenience. Some regard them as exercise. Most couldn't care less.

I currently hate them. My knee has decided to take a long time to heal and thus makes stairs my worst enemy. It also is limiting my dancing at the moment.

Anyway. I have seminar in an hour and a half. And then driving out to Linda's to check on SADIE while Linda is in tech. Yay puppies. Then rehearsal. And....oh yeah homework at one point. That would be good.

Monday, September 14, 2009

I am in love

With my cast. and show. Completely in love.

But I still miss last year's seniors. Dear Christina, Mey, Marc, Kyle, and Kate. COME BACK and visit.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Watch this

How I Define Success

I have decided my days will be successful if:

A) My homework is at least started before rehearsal

B) Actors are happy

C) I haven't screwed anything up yet

If the answer to all these are yes, then my day is good :)

Friday, September 11, 2009

A Day in My Life

So I have random videos I like to post...

This first one is from camp. We are playing a game called Sumo. And I totally miss this.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I love my cast

Can I just say that this cast is amazing?

Mrs. Dalloway-Laura Miller

Mr Dalloway-Andrew Talbot

Prickett Ellis-Andrew Galindo

Miss O'Keefe-Tatiana Ray

Lilly Everit- Francesca Crebassa

Bob Brinsley- Liam Callister

Mabel Waring-Jenna Stich

Hubert Waring-Frank Moreno

Rose Shaw- Annie Efremsky

Violet Searle-Kim Sturiale

I'm kind of in love with all of them. This show is going to be amaaaazing.

My knee is still dead. I will be voyaging to the health center tomorrow if I actually finish this homework for Reid...meaning I should go do that right now.

I'm sorry if I haven't called you/talked to you recently. I am in the process of getting everything ready for the show and once I fall into a regular routine, then I can talk again.

Love to you all <3

Pick One

I have an audition in a month (ish)

I need to choose a song

Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered (Pal Joey)

Someone Else's Story (Chess)

As Long as He Needs Me (Oliver)

For Good (as a solo. Wicked)

I'm leaning towards Someone Else's Story

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Good Plan?

Let's get more than 4 hours of sleep at night. That would be excellent.

Auditions were wonderful last night. The callback list is up and they run tonight and potentially tomorrow as well. I know who I want in this show and that may not quite match up with who Delia wants in the show which is sad but part of theater. However I will rope in those who are not cast and make them do tech :)

I need an off switch for my mind. Because I think too much at inopportune times. Thinking in class would be ideal but oh no my mind is working full time at like 3 am. Dislike.

Alright. Off to get fingerprinted so I can officially be hired at the church.


Monday, September 7, 2009


My cousin Lani is amazing at hip hop.
Like I said, we couldn't be any more different but I LOVE her

I should update this

I should recap my life since my last post

So I've been back at school for a week but it already feels like I've been here forever. In a good way. Classes are AMAZING. Absolutely love them, even seminar. Love having friends in classes, love taking theater classes, love everything about them. Got a job working in a church nursery which is great. Auditions have been wonderful and we have more this week. This is my first 3 day weekend in 6 years and I am super happy. My living situation is great minus the horrible cell reception. My suitemates are really great. Dance is wonderful. In general, my life is awesome right now. Let's hope this lasts.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Love this

I've spent my night reading posts and watching youtube.

It's a good night

Back in Moraga tomorrow finally! Moved in the girls yesterday. Can't believe they are seniors--where did the time go?? Sometimes I swear I feel like their mom...other days I feel like their sister...but I always feel like I have the best friends in the world. I love them.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I Love you to the ends of the earth

I love my friends more than anything.
Even when I have uncertainties in my life or I am extremely scared, lost, or confused, they know how to bring my back to my roots. Their presence remind me that I am loved, that I love them, and that no matter what happens they will always be there for me and I will always be there for them. We are each other's constant support.

And that's why I live an incredible life.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

My Role

My occupation is to be a good friend.

My job is to be a helper, a friendly smile, a hug, and a guide. I do whatever I can to help others out and support them through the good and bad.

This is my purpose in life. As a stage manager, I have to be the support the actors need and have the answers the production team needs. I have to always be positive, give them what they need, and take care of any problems that arise. As a family member, I am the quiet, sweet, fiesty, oddball who makes people smile every now and then and is always willing to help out. And as a friend, I am always there whenever they need me. That's my purpose and that's what I strive to be.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

There isn't always an explanation

I don't always have the answers. I wish I did. I like having answers, helping people out, solving a's part of my nature. But there are some things even I can't control (though if you know me, you know I have the will to control everything). All I can do is hope and pray that things turn out for the best and provide the best support I can for my friends. My friends are like my family and I would do anything for family.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Bittersweet Goodbye

I'm really not a fan of goodbyes. I hate having to leave someone knowing exactly how long it will be until I see them again. If I didn't know how long it would, I might have an easier time with it. But it was a really great night and I much prefer seeing Anna and Candace to staying at home because it's easier to not have to say goodbye.

I have a lot to think about these days.

First: School-immediate future. Going back to school, harder classes, living with friends, no reception, new school year, changes, auditions, ASMs, getting a job, balancing schedule
Second: School-near future. Figuring out transfer credits, visiting schools, applying for scholarships, making phone calls, applying to schools
Third: School-in the distance. Choosing a school, telling people I am leaving st. marys, making arrangements, finding money, visiting again, finding housing, choosing classes, starting all over again

I'm slightly overwhelmed considering this is something I've never had to do before. But I know it will all turn out okay. Just smile and remind myself that it's all happening for a reason. That which does not kill you makes you stronger, right?

Sunday, August 16, 2009

This is my cousins and aunts playing at the memorial barbeque for my Uncle Joe

I Love Theater

Just saw The Producers at Monterey Peninsula College today with Danielle. It was absolutely incredible. Besides the fact that I got to see a lot of friends (Catalina friends Bri and Camila and Katharine were in it along with my old dance teacher at Catalina and seeing it with Danielle was awesome), the show blew me away. The actors were so devoted to their characters and made the show extremely engaging. The choreography was intricate and well executed--not that I expected anything less from a Susan Cable production! The singers had amazing voices. The scene shifts (which were demanding) had the elegance and timing of a well choreographed dance and not a flat, wagon, or fly was out of place. The lighting was beautiful and all the light and sound cues were dead on--I seriously want to meet that stage manager. The cast kept the audience laughing and engaged throughout the entire production and I loved every minute of it. It's productions like that one that remind me why I love what I do so much. Theater has this indescribable effect on me, like I can conquer anything when I'm around it. The camaraderie of the people you meet and work with, the trials and tribulations of tech week which always result in a fantastic production, the amazing feeling you get at curtain call--that's why I do theater. It makes you feel like you really belong.

Friday, August 14, 2009


Holly Adams is now the Activities Director at Catalina!!
If you have no idea who Holly is, she was a senior when I was a freshman at Catalina and one of my senior big sisters. She has also worked at camp as long as I have been volunteering/working there. She was a counselor and then the activities director this year (makes sense!) and recently graduated from Willamette University in Oregon.
If you DO know who Holly is, you know how incredible she is and how awesome this position is for her!
Yay now I have more people to visit.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


It's a family tradition to go to the fair. Every year. And you would think that once I reached a certain age I would prefer going with my friends and find my parents boring.
Well...since when do I do anything that's conventional?
So tonight I am going to the fair with my daddy. My mom will come if she feels like it. She doesn't care about the fair quite as much. Daddy just goes because I make him. I guarantee you neither of my parents would go if I wasn't around.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Days till Fair: 1
Days until seeing Oliver: 2
Days until family barbeque: 3
Days until seeing Bye Bye Birdie: 3
Days until leaving for school: 18
Days until At Mrs. Dalloway's Party auditions: 22

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sister Carlotta, May your Spirit Last Forever

Sister Carlotta was an absolutely amazing woman. She made Catalina the place it is today and I credit her to why it is such an wonderful school. She has touched so many lives. Her memory will never die and her legacy will live on forever.

RIP Sister Carlotta O'Donnell

July 19, 2009

Monday, July 13, 2009


This summer has been very strange
On one hand, it's been the best summer of my life. Greatest counselors, campers, and experiences yet. I've loved every minute.

On the other hand, it's been one of the saddest summers. Multiple high profile celebrity deaths, 2 Catalina associated women with terminal diseases, 3 out of 4 group 2 counselors with serious family concerns (I'm just crossing my fingers that my family stays safe and healthy). All we can really do is hope and pray that everything will turn out all right..

They all need our extra prayers.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Reasons Why I Love Camp

1. Starting my day early whether I like it or not

2. Company for dinner every night

3. Trivia

4. Doing musical theater 3 hours a day...and getting paid for it

5. Meeting so many awesome girls and getting to live with them

6. Random moments

7. Counselor bonding time

8. Dances

9. Dance parties

10. Singing. All the time. And not being judged for it.

11. Singing on the bus

12. My WONDERFUL theater campers whom I love to death

13. Hugs. All the time.

14. Visiting people's rooms

15. Being surrounded by amazing people all the time

16. Always having someone to talk to

17. Living in the same dorm as Anna and getting to spend quality time with her. Those are memories I need to hold on to forever because I don't know if we will ever get this opportunity again.

18. Getting to know former classmates even better

19. Meeting past Catalinans and discovering they are just as nice and kindhearted and amazing as they are rumored to be

20. Feeling safe and comfortable 24/7

21. Paycheck

22. Feeling like I have a purpose

23. Spontaneous dinner conversation

24. Campers accomplishments'

25. Listening to Anna and Danielle sing every night

26. Putting people to bed

27. Feeling like I am making a difference

28. Embracing every momet

29. Making lifetime friendships

30. Random and sporadic quality time with counselors

31. Dessert

32. Red vines in the office

33. Nancy Hunt

34. Counselor follies

35. Count off when it's super fast

36. Getting back to my Catalina theater roots

37. Being able to wear sweats to work every day

38. Chapel singing

39. Mass

40. Seeing the sisters

41. Ms Guido

42. Mr. Oder

43. The sweet campers who always give you a smile

44. Musical theater warm ups

45. Anna teaching me how to sing !

46. Group 2 counselors.

47. "Counselor meetings" aka gathering in Shaina's room and laughing about the ridiculousness that is our group

48. Check-Stripe

49. Group 1

50. The incredible feeling that I belong here

Showers are Wonderful

I look decent for the first time in 4 days (no I'm serious. this isn't a feel sorry for me moment. i'm stating a fact)
Mid afternoon showers inspire me to look nice
So I have put on my new clothes. Just to work in the computer lab and go to chapel singing and dinner.

I love having no reason to dress up


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Dear Life

Hmm. Not a huge fan of this whole tuition/room/board thing.

Crossing fingers everything still works out.

It always does...right?

I'm Watching Love Actually and...

...I wish I was British
That. Or I would settle for visiting England. Or knowing someone who was British.

I need to get out more.

Who wants to voyage to England with me sometime in the future??

Monday, July 6, 2009

Here We Go Again

I've had at least 5 blog sites

Apparently I have commitment issues

Why I consider myself one of the luckiest people in the world

-I live in an absolutely gorgeous area and find myself still discovering special things about it
-My parents support my hopes and dreams even if they aren't necessarily secure about my future
-Music is playing nearly 24/7 in my house in some form or another
-I've gone to the best schools I could have ever chosen for myself
-My friends are some of the most amazing people you are ever going to meet
-I have friends from all over the world and I keep in touch with most of them
-My family is crazy, wonderful, and very close
-I get to do what I love every single day and plan to do it as my career
-I have a computer, a cell phone, and a car.
-I got my wish: I have sisters ♥
-My support system surrounds me wherever I go
-I have hopes, dreams, and a future
-My house is beautiful
-My daddy is my best friend
-I've been hurt, forgotten, replaced, etc on numerous occasions but I'm a stronger person for it
-I save my money so that I can help others and I am happiest when I am making others happy
-I can read music
-Being a stage manager gives meaning to my life in ways I can't even describe
-Nothing is going to stop me ♥