Monday, November 30, 2009

Updates from the past two weeks

Okay. Updates!

1. Dalloway came and went. It was beautiful and I couldn't have imagined it going any better. Although I'm sad that it's over, I also welcome a new challenge. I'm one of those weird people who needs challenges to an extent.
2. Dance show tech starts tomorrow! I finished my cues over break and I am super excited to start tomorrow. Nervous yes. Very nervous. I've never designed lights for anything before. Nevertheless, it's going to be awesome. And I love my crew. Danielle, Galindo, Liam, Molly, and David-can't wait.
3. Thanksgiving was so much fun. A much needed break combined with wonderful family times equals a truly amazing 5 days. My cousins were super cute. And Eli knows my name! AND let me near him. This is improvement. I love this. Can't wait for Christmas.
4. Finals might kill me but hey, I had it easy last year so this is making up for the easy stuff. Let's just say I'm really going to earn my Christmas break.
5. I'm completely in Christmas mode and I LOVE it. The second family was gone on Thanksgiving I pulled out the Christmas CDs and forced my cousins to listen to my favorite song about 5 times before I realized that was overkill. We started decorating before I left and the house will be all ready minus the tree by the time I come home. The tree is my thing :)

I will be better about updating this thing... :)

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