Saturday, October 3, 2009

The past 24 hours

I've actually had a pretty nice couple of days. Once I got past the barriers my paper posed, I was able to deal with it in manageable pieces and my stress level has fallen drastically.
I really wish I could videotape rehearsal sometime but the best moments come so randomly that I doubt we would have ever gotten the greatest moments on tape. The motto of our show is, "to allow ourselves and fellow actors to fail spectacularly". This philosophy has really allowed us to feel comfortable with each other and to try new things without the possibility of ridicule. It's great to watch all of them experiment with movement and accents and spacial relationships with no hesitation. Plus they are absolutely hilarious. Danielle, one of my ASMs, is also really great to work with. She and I have become very close over the past couple of weeks. We are always laughing and having a good time during rehearsal and we have bonded with the cast. This cast makes my life so much better during the hard days.
Danielle came over at 2 am last night. We listened to dance music. We talked. Just hung out. And then we realized we probably should sleep. We are going to Andrew's tomorrow to watch the Sweeney DVD since she has never seen it and Andrew has to sing Johanna for a performing arts thing in a couple weeks and he wants to "critique" himself.

Prospective student and parents in Foundations today. Haha ohh they picked a crazy day to come. It was one of our scattered/slightly inappropriate theater talk/playing games day. Yay theater.

Kind of off day in dance today. Might have been my exhaustion and being distracted that threw me off; I just didn't feel connected to the dances or the music today. However, that was not enough to ruin my day. I've also really got to start taking care of my knees. My right knee has good and bad days. The bad days usually happen on dance days or days when I use a lot of stairs. The left knee feels left out and has decided to start hurting too only it's nothing like the right. The right just has issues.

Okay. Highlight of my day. I saw A Midsummer Night's Dream at Cal Shakes tonight. Now I was excited to see this production since my friends Christina and Sam both worked on and they said it was really good. I like Midsummer. It's the shakespeare play I know the best (I made my theatrical debut in midsummer when I was 12. Haven't been in a play since). I like the plotline. And I can understand the language and the storyline without having to think too hard. However, I thought it would just be another very well done but fairly classic rendition of this show.
I couldn't have been more wrong. This show defied my expectations in every sense. Puck was incredible and stole the show. The characters were given a modern twist but not to the extent that you felt it took away from the integrity of the show. They incorporated popular songs (which was a huge hit) and also included original music using both shakespeare's original language and songs that were written around the theme of the show. I haven't seen a show that moved me that much in a long time. I was completely engaged at every moment. The show ended with a rock song written about the show and kind of reminded me of Spring Awakening (similar style) and I was on the edge of my seat smiling the entire time. There were some absolutely gorgeous lighting moments and the physicality of the actors were amazing. I can't get past how incredible it was and how much I truly enjoyed the performance. Of course now I have to write a 5 page paper by Thursday (on top of the 7 page paper due Monday for reid's other class) but this production speaks for itself. Writing my paper will be no problem.

Break a leg for your opening night Mey! I'm so proud of you and everything you have accomplished. I really wish that I could be there cheering you on but you know that I will always be here supporting you. I cannot WAIT to see you in a couple weeks.
"You'll be swell. You'll be great. Gonna have the whole world on a plate. Starting here, starting now, everything's coming up roses."
Love you!

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