Saturday, October 10, 2009


I am sick of writing papers. The rough draft of my seminar paper is due Tuesday and the final draft is due the 20th. So I will have at least a week to get it perfect if perfection is unattainable this weekend.
We did suzuki in foundations yesterday. It did enhance my understanding of Japanese theater...we were all just in a little tired by the end of the week so it was not our favorite part.
I was cast in the Jan Term show! The parts haven't been assigned yet (it's done similar to our show right now--everyone is a narrator and the lines have yet to be divided) but I'm really excited to work on it. I've never officially been in a musical and I've only officially been in one play (my director liked to throw me in to random musicals in high school though) so this will be a very new experience and I'm glad I will get to see the other side of the production. Danielle is going to be a fabulous SM.
Okay. Must work. Call me. I want to talk to people.

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