Tuesday, October 6, 2009


-Audition moved to Thursday since the theater was being used on Monday during my scheduled time
-Paper turned in! Currently working on paper #2 of the week
-Knee still hurts. Need to go to doctor but finding time is nearly impossible
-Housesitting for Linda starting on Thursday!!!! Spending time taking care of Sadie and writing a seminar paper all weekend. I'm actually really looking forward to it. I love housesitting.
-I go home in 10 days and I'm super excited. I have missed my parents, my friends, my school, and my kitty very much. Good thing too because I am in love with Andrew's cat and I need my own kitty soon before I go nuts.
-Grades are still good. Crossing fingers these papers don't screw that up!
-One month till tech weekend. Ohh lord here we go.
-Time for homework :) Dear friends, I love you and miss you!

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