Thursday, November 5, 2009

The beginning of the end

So we have reached that point in the semester when I constantly have to remind myself to A, breathe, B, that I cannot control everything, and C, that my best is good enough even though I am not perfect. Dalloway goes into tech on Saturday and though I am nervous, I am really excited to finally get the ball rolling on all these crazy cues I will be calling. I have to get together two lighting design concepts by Monday which is proving to be extremely difficult so that makes things interesting. I have a paper to work on for Reid. However, my grades have actually been really good and I'm so happy that I'm not completely failing at life (ok. I exaggerate. I don't exactly fail at life on a regular basis. But you get the picture). Parents and Tanner come in one week to see the show!! So excited. My friend Stephanie is most likely transferring to a bay area college next semester and is considering St. Mary's which I am thrilled about. Finances and paying for school are still two major concerns in my life but I have to force myself to think positively or I will actually lose my mind. Thanksgiving break in 19 days. Christmas break 10 days after that. This semester is flying by but I can't wait for my two favorite holidays. This is my favorite time of year and I plan to enjoy it as much as possible :)
Loved talking to you tonight, Mey. I still plan on calling you soon. Considering neither of us has free time this is a very interesting concept but it will happen. Sometime. Soon. I love you!

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