Monday, July 6, 2009

Here We Go Again

I've had at least 5 blog sites

Apparently I have commitment issues

Why I consider myself one of the luckiest people in the world

-I live in an absolutely gorgeous area and find myself still discovering special things about it
-My parents support my hopes and dreams even if they aren't necessarily secure about my future
-Music is playing nearly 24/7 in my house in some form or another
-I've gone to the best schools I could have ever chosen for myself
-My friends are some of the most amazing people you are ever going to meet
-I have friends from all over the world and I keep in touch with most of them
-My family is crazy, wonderful, and very close
-I get to do what I love every single day and plan to do it as my career
-I have a computer, a cell phone, and a car.
-I got my wish: I have sisters ♥
-My support system surrounds me wherever I go
-I have hopes, dreams, and a future
-My house is beautiful
-My daddy is my best friend
-I've been hurt, forgotten, replaced, etc on numerous occasions but I'm a stronger person for it
-I save my money so that I can help others and I am happiest when I am making others happy
-I can read music
-Being a stage manager gives meaning to my life in ways I can't even describe
-Nothing is going to stop me ♥

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