Thursday, September 17, 2009

I don't even have words right now...

Tonight I found out that one of my newest friends has a completely awful situation going on at home.
I have always known I'm extremely blessed when it comes to family. I feel so lucky to have my parents, my extended family, and my friends (who are like family) in my life. I have lost very important family members but my family has always stuck together. Tonight has made me realize that even more. I love you all so much and honestly don't know how I would live without you. My heart aches for my friend and I only wish that there was more we can do. But we are going to do everything we can to help her out.

I only wish that I could see all of you right now and give you a hug and tell you how lucky I feel to have you in my life. But since it is past 11 pm...and most of you live elsewhere...I will be calling/texting/emailing all of you instead.

I love you.

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