Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I miss the days of Mey and Christina and Kate and Jillian showing up hours early for rehearsal. I really do. I have 3 who plan ahead in this cast and the rest saunter in at like 6:29 or right at 6:30 or even 6:35 and then get insulted when I tell them that they are late. I got numerous eye rolls today. That's really getting old. I know they don't like being told they are late but we are going by my clock and we start at 6:30 on the dot. If you aren't in the building when I say we're starting, then you're late.
Breathe in...breathe out...Friday comes soon enough and then I will have enough happiness to carry me through till next week.
I also made a really big decision today and the enormity of it hasn't hit me yet. That's going to be exciting. Haha.

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