Sunday, August 16, 2009

I Love Theater

Just saw The Producers at Monterey Peninsula College today with Danielle. It was absolutely incredible. Besides the fact that I got to see a lot of friends (Catalina friends Bri and Camila and Katharine were in it along with my old dance teacher at Catalina and seeing it with Danielle was awesome), the show blew me away. The actors were so devoted to their characters and made the show extremely engaging. The choreography was intricate and well executed--not that I expected anything less from a Susan Cable production! The singers had amazing voices. The scene shifts (which were demanding) had the elegance and timing of a well choreographed dance and not a flat, wagon, or fly was out of place. The lighting was beautiful and all the light and sound cues were dead on--I seriously want to meet that stage manager. The cast kept the audience laughing and engaged throughout the entire production and I loved every minute of it. It's productions like that one that remind me why I love what I do so much. Theater has this indescribable effect on me, like I can conquer anything when I'm around it. The camaraderie of the people you meet and work with, the trials and tribulations of tech week which always result in a fantastic production, the amazing feeling you get at curtain call--that's why I do theater. It makes you feel like you really belong.

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