Sunday, October 4, 2009

I should be in bed

But I had an awesome day so I need to blog.

Morning: Apple store and target with Sami and Natalie
Afternoon: Checked on Sadie at Linda's
Late afternoon/evening: Went to Andrew's with my ASM Danielle to watch the Sweeney DVD. That in itself was hilarious. #1, his roommate just got a kitten. I was in love. This was apparent the second I got inside the door. If you know me, you know cats are my weakness. Watching Sweeney was hilarious. We commentated throughout the entire DVD and Danielle and I watched Andrew cringe during his scenes (he really wasn't bad. But I can understood why he felt that way. hard to watch yourself onstage). So we watched that till about 8 and realized we all hadn't eaten all day and were hungry. Went to Mel's, spent about an hour there. Somehow we got into the discussion about the ghost in the theater and Andrew wanted to prove his manliness by "beating up the ghost" in the bathroom. So we actually drove to St. Mary's and went into the theater. Andrew did not find Lily in the bathroom but I think she just wanted to outsmart him. We ended up onstage and were there until 2:00 when my suitemates called, concerned about where I was. I then realized that I had to work fall preview day the next morning and should probably sleep. Except my car was still at his apartment. So we drove back. He had an adventure first though. He explored all the roads of st. mary he hadn't seen in awhile and sped around the roundabouts a few times before finally getting off campus.
Hilarious and awesome night. Danielle and I had a blast. I think sleep is good since tomorrow is going to be epically long. Fall preview day. Linda's. Rehearsal. Finish 7 page paper (I'm doubting it will reach 8). Write stuff for lighting design. Yep. I'm exhausted right now but tonight was totally worth it

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