Friday, October 16, 2009


Home is incredible
Saw Beauty and the Beast tonight. I've always loved the work my high school does but their shows seem to be getting better and better. I'm so proud of the tech girls and the actors. Although their were some tech mistakes, Brittny did a great job with handling it. It was so nice seeing my friends again too! Seeing the show again tomorrow :)
Weather is awesome down here this weekend! So happy about that. Had lunch with dad on the wharf. I really enjoyed that. He has been talking about changes but I am trying to focus on the positive. I really don't like change but since it's inevitable, I should at least look at the bright side.
Okay. I am very happy. I had a really insightful blog going on in my head on the way home but now I have no idea what I was saying so I can't actually write it down. Oh well. It will come to me later :)

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