Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I need my ASM back

And by ASM I mean Jen. I have an ASM. I've had other ASMs since Jen. But I want her back. Why? Because she was always at rehearsal without fail. I knew I could count on her for everything and she knew everything I knew about the show. She understood the show, she lived the show, she could answer any questions. Of course I had no backup person which was a bit panicking but luckily it never came to that.
Now I have too many rehearsal assistants+1 ASM and none of them are here every night. 2 come one night a week, 1 comes 3 nights a week, and 2 come 2 nights a week. Much too complicated for this show...which I discovered about halfway through rehearsal when we sent an actor home sick and I had to send my brand new rehearsal assistant up on stage to stand in her place while I attempted to A) Record blocking B) Read absent actors lines C) Make changes to the line division. while also yelling at actors who got too close to the edge of the set and were bound to fall off. Needless to say, rehearsal was slightly more stressful. But while all this was happening, I couldn't think of a reasonable solution that would work with my current situation. This show is so precise and ever changing that I need someone who will understand the show as well as I do and be here every single night. The line division changes hourly so an actor who once said part of a certain line suddenly does not and that line has been divided up among 5 other actors and if someone besides me isn't keeping track of this, something is going to go missing. So. My plan for this week is to coerce one of my numerous rehearsal assistants to spend quality time with me 5 nights a week.
Besides that my day was...haha...hectic!

10:20-11:20: Lighting design
11:30-12:00: Foundations quiz
12:00-12:30: Reid speeding through his lecture and then assigning more homework than any of us have time for
12:35-12:50: Lunch?
1:00-2:00: Jazz dance
2:15-3:15: Ballet
3:20-4:20: Stage craft lab hours
4:30-5:00: In room. Showering. Attempting to make sense of my life. You know, philosophical things.
5:00-5:15: Reading for pleasure in theater
5:15-5:30: Dinner
5:30-6:30: Rehearsal set up
6:30-10:0: Rehearsal rehearsal rehearsal.

And now, I am finishing up my research assignment (also for Reid!) on Peter Brook to present to the class tomorrow and someone find time to do my seminar reading. Don Quixote needs to be done....now.

And my ceiling is leaking. Fantastic.

Bright side? Jazz dance was amazing. Actors are happy. I haven't officially screwed anything up yet (though the actors tried to make it seem like I messed up their schedule. I hadn't. They just need to learn how to read. Okay that was harsh but seriously, when it says Wednesday, everything written underneath that until you reach Thursday will happen on WEDNESDAY).

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