Tuesday, December 21, 2010

This is for Sticking with Me

Tonight's blog is dedicated to those who have stuck with me since the beginning.

I've realized lately what a blessing it is to have friends who have stuck with you through every transition and change...every moment, big and small. Changing from school to school, changing interests, changing theatre companies--it's hard to keep the same group of friends. I'm lucky enough to have a few friends who have been there since freshman year in high school or earlier. Although we went to completely different schools, rarely found time to talk, and sometimes didn't see each other for years, they were still there. There's just something comforting about the familiarity of an old friend. There are no judgements, no need to impress the other, nothing to be nervous about. The relationship and the history is enough to support the friendship.
Gaby Rachel Kristen Anna Candace Martha Stephanie Andrea--thank you for being there.

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