Monday, December 27, 2010

Happy Birthday Hannah Marie!

Today I have had my cat for 10 years! She was the one thing I always wanted. My first word was kitty and from that point on, my parents heard about nothing else. I begged for a cat for every birthday, every Christmas. But when I was 10, my parents finally caved and I picked out my pretty new kitty. She was 2 years old, already full grown, and boy did she have attitude. She has not changed one bit she that first day and I love her for it. She isn't very social. She's a diva. She wants you to watch her eat and she will find you and make you do it. She doesn't like being held. And she isn't very cuddling. But she's my baby. I love how she clings onto me when I hold her even though she's pitching a fit the whole time. I love how cute she is when she's sleeping and how she curls up in a little ball. I love how she turns around when i call her name because she knows it. And most of all, I just love holding her and carrying her around. She'll be my baby until I have a real one :)

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