Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The random blog

Hello everyone who reads this blog. Which by now is about 3 of you. Congratulations. If you're reading this--more power to you because I tend to just ramble.

Anyway, I just wanted to share with you a picture from my 19th birthday. This is Anna! And me. Anna is one of my best friends and the closest thing I have to a sister. In our world, I'm her adopted little sister and our world is the only thing that matters to us. She's been there for me since I was 14 and as the fates would have it, nothing has been able to separate us. And I love her. She's my world and without her...well that would just be sad.

When did I become a dress person? Just in the past 2 weeks I have acquired 4 dresses and 2 more previous to that. Don't get me wrong, I love dressing up. I'm a girly girl to the core. I just hadn't realized how many I suddenly found in my closet. Good thing they are all awesome.

I am currently watching The Kennedy Center Honors. Ever watched those? They're awesome, especially for a performing arts advocate like me. Looking out at that huge beautiful theatre literally makes me gasp. Moments like this remind me what I am aspiring towards. One of these days, I will be working in a theatre as amazing as that.

And on a more somber note, the Monterey Peninsula said its final farewell to a classmate of mine last week. Brandon Slater, a terribly kind hearted man, was a boy in my middle school class. He was one of the few boys I felt comfortable talking to and I enjoyed his company. I was sorry to hear he passed away on December 23 and I wished we hadn't lost touch over the years. Rest in Peace Brandon, you will be deeply missed.

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