Thursday, December 16, 2010

Singing, Full of Christmas Cheer

Tonight I went the Catalina lower school christmas concert for the first time. I'd always wanted to go but it took a special invitation to actually get me there. I didn't quite know what to expect besides what I'd seen in photos and videos but I loved it. The Performing Arts Center (PAC) was decorated with festive garland and lights and it was absolutely packed with people. The children were extremely cute, sang well, and were very well behaved. I thoroughly enjoyed myself.
The reason I went to the concert this year was I was invited by Anna Hunt, my darling 11 year old camper/friend/babysitting charge/insert appropriate term here and I wanted to also see her friend Hannah perform as I have been babysitting Hannah since she was 4. I don't know when it happened but suddenly these girls are growing up and it happened without me realizing it. One minute you're playing with dolls, the next she's playing on the computer saying she doesn't really need entertainment. 7 years actually did fly by. 7 years ago I was 13. I was still at San Benancio, still not loving my life, still lacking real motivation to do anything. Hannah and Anna were 4. I'd just started babysitting Hannah and her brother Aaron who was 7 and I hadn't even met Anna yet. Over the years I've watched these kids grow up and evolve into really terrific young men and women. You hope and pray that your kids turn out well. Now these kids aren't my own but I have a very strong interest in their well being.
I can remember being about 15 years old, babysitting quite a few families, wondering how you could tell if you loved someone. I knew I loved my family and I think I knew I loved my friends but how could you tell if you really loved someone? Well, now that I have known quite a few kids and grown fond of many of them, I can tell myself that when you love just know it. I've connected and lost tough with many kids but these are some that I hope I remain in contact with for years to come. I cannot wait to see what they turn out to be.

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