Sunday, December 5, 2010

Tears of Joy, Tears of Sadness

And once again, we have completed our spring dance show. If I could do the dance show all year round I totally would. It's like my little prize for surviving the semester.

I've gotten over the habit of crying when a show is over so the fact that I cried while I left the theatre tonight says something. This show meant a lot more than just a bi-annual tradition. It was the culmination of months of hard work. It exemplified some of my best traits as a stage manager. I got to work with people I'd never gotten to know before. I got my one-on-one time with Linda. And it's my last dance show this year. I'm in denial but it's true. I'm not doing the spring dance show and right now it's breaking my heart. I know that once I get there it won't be a big deal but right now it's truly heartbreaking. Leaving the booth tonight was difficult. I won't be calling a show up there for another year as the spring theatre show will be held outside and it is more than likely that my internship will be happening in the fall. I feel secure in the booth. That's where I became a stage manager. That's where I've succeeded and failed more times than I can count. So I have to trust that everything I learned and loved in the booth will travel with me wherever I go and that these memories are strong enough to keep me going when times get tough.

To the fabulous dance company, crew, Cathy, and Linda--thank you for giving some of the happiest memories in the theatre. My tears tonight are for you, to express my immense gratitude towards your work and sadness that we will not have these moments again for a year. But I will be back and better than ever :)

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