Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Darling

What a wonderful day. Lounged around today--hung out with my cat, watched youtube videos, got in the Christmas spirit. Tanner's gift FINALLY arrived--right on time! Got ready for church and I got to wear my new Christmas dress. I've been going to Cypress Community Church in Salinas for 12 years--a tradition that was initiated by my uncle and his family. Now it's just my mom and I that go but I love it. We ran into some old friends while we were there and spending the service with them was just a really wonderful gift. Saw some friends I hadn't seen in awhile too. Once we got home, the 4 of us went to a party across the street which got a little dull for Tanner and me so we left early (we had to check on dinner at home...and then just never came back haha). We got new jammies which is our tradition, dad read the night before christmas...and now Tanner and I lock ourselves in our rooms until 8 am.

Merry Christmas to the wonderful people in my life. To my beautiful family, you're the support and love I feel every day. I'm so lucky to be part of such a wonderful family. To my amazing friends, I simply say this quote "I know I'm who I am today because I knew you". You have all touched my life and I'm thankful for those blessings. To Anna, I'm so thankful you are home for the holidays. You're off to do even greater things. Africa misses you but we love you more :) To Linda, I'm thankful I ended up at SMC and in the theatre program because you've changed my life and led me to realize my full potential and what I'm meant to do in the world. And to my Christmas kitty, you are my world and I can't believe that on Monday I've had you for 10 years! Thank you for finally starting to love mommy and sleep on the bed with me :)

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