Sunday, December 19, 2010

Looking Back

My high school is the best thing that ever happened to me. This shouldn't come as a shock to anyone reading this because it led to just about everything extraordinary in my life, minus the family part. But it wasn't all rainbows, sunshine, and lollipops. I had a best friend who, unfortunately, chose to end our friendship over truly minute discrepancies and took advantage of our friendship while it still existed. She recognized my natural weaknesses as well as my determination and devotion to theatre. Her quest for power interfered with our already unstable relationship and our friendship did not end on a good note. It took me a long time to recover from that and I didn't really move on until I got to college and discovered I was my own person. I could be successful all on my own. And I became a stronger person. But a little part of me still wonders about her. And I wonder if she ever thinks of me. We shared many memories that we can't ever take back--mostly good but too many bad to repair the friendship. I think about if she regrets how it ended or if she's satisfied without me in her life. I'm curious to see how she likes college and if she's doing what she loves. And I wonder if she reads those bi-annual bulletins and sees my blurbs...realizing that I actually did accomplish what I set out to do...something she tried so hard to hold me back from.
I haven't been in contact with her for two years. The last time we exchanged anything was a facebook message containing a mass message from me to the class of 2008 explaining the format and purpose of the class notes. She simply replied telling me not to contact her regarding school information anymore. It's undetermined whether this was directed towards me or the school but we haven't spoken since then nor seen each other since graduation day, by which time we were acting as if the other did not exist. I face the very real possibility of running into her at a small alumnae event in 10 days. I've thought of this day since starting college. It will be a very interesting adventure to see how it goes. We could completely avoid each other or we could talk civilly. Whatever will be good for both of us.

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