Tuesday, December 14, 2010

It's 3 am...are you surprised?

Yep, the night owl in me is still awake But restless. I'm having one of those rare nights when absolutely nothing sounds appealing. I don't want to read, watch tv, watch movies, go on facebook, go on youtube, shower, clean, work on my production book, dance, eat, or decorate. Usually at least one of those catches my attention.
It might be caused by the slightly off day I had. One of those days that things didn't really fall into place and I felt out of sync. And I'm a totally "perfectly-in-step-in-sync" kind of girl. Why else would I be infatuated with the perfection of tap dance (though I have never tapped a step in my life. dying to learn.), will rearrange a room until it is absolutely perfect down to the last piece of paper, and have taken my skill for calling cues to an unhealthy obsessive level. Days like these make me feel uneasy and I'm not really okay with that. But tomorrow, all will be good.

To my best friend, Danielle: I adore you.

Btws. 2 months. AHH.

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