Saturday, January 22, 2011

Well that was fun

My night should have been much more productive than it was. All I will say is a party at my suite got crazy and I literally went to the theatre to get ready for bed. My bathroom is uninhabitable at the moment.

Performing Arts Scholarship Auditions in the morning, working 9:00-4:00, then off to the church until 8:00. Long day.

Not in a great mood. Suddenly I am extremely overwhelmed with how much has to be completed in the next week. Jan Term flew by. I have a 5 page paper due Tuesday, 10 page screenplay due Friday (which was just explained today. i do not have a concrete concept yet nor much of an idea how to write it since we didn't discuss screenplay writing methods in class at all), along with the regular class readings. On top of that I am continuing to perfect my production book which is taking at least 2-3 hours a night and dealing with both Angels and SERA rehearsals. Plus work. Needless to say, I'm just a bit stressed.

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