Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Make You Feel My Love

Tonight's blog is dedicated to my daddy.

I went back to watch the dvd of Thoroughly Modern Millie last night. This was my senior show and although I didn't love it at the time, watching the dvd definitely brings back the best moments. They film our closing night which for the spring show means they capture some beautiful Father-Daughter Weekend memories. Watching us sing to our dads and then to see them sing to us still brings tears to my eyes.

You can see how proud my dad is when he is up on that stage, singing with the rest of the dads. He has always believed in me. No matter where I am in my life, he's my constant support. I've gotten my best life advice from him. Every morning on the way to school I used to get lectures. But they weren't boring or threatening; they were full of wisdom and advice that I still hold close to my heart. We may not always agree but we are always respectful. He's my best friend and I'm proud to be his little girl.

He and my mom didn't want children. But once he really understand the closeness between my mom and her dad, he wanted that too. He's taught me so much about life. He didn't have the most inspiring childhood but what he's done with his life after that is remarkable to me. Leaving home at a young age to move across the country, from Georgia to California. Had a few jobs before landing as a carpenter, building beautiful houses. This is where he got most of the skills that, to me, make him my daddy. He changed careers when I was a baby and decided to go into the mortgage business, a huge risk since he had virtually no experience. But he built us a beautiful life.

In my mind, he can do wrong. He can build, fix, imagine, and create anything. He's the one who took me shopping and did my hair. He knows what I will like before I even realize it. He's wise and kind and congenial. We are so similar yet never admit it.

He's always here for me. He always pushes me to go above and beyond my wildest dreams. He gives me confidence. And I know this will never change.

Thank you for being the best dad in the entire world. I'm proud to be your girl.

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