Sunday, January 2, 2011

I'm ba-ack

Typical "I'm back!" blog. Yep, back at school in my suite. All unpacked. Getting ready for classes and work tomorrow. Dance 10-11:45, class 12:00-2:30, work 2:40-4:30...and I'm supposed to eat sometime in there. I'm wishing me luck. But I actually am excited for my classes and to see the girls again.

Checked my mailbox when I arrived. I've never seen so much mail for me in my life! A paycheck, a christmas card from Catalina, a postcard from Catalina, the semi-annual Catalina bulletin (sensing a theme?), 3 books for spring semester, and a wonderful gift from my sister. SO HAPPY.

Spent some time with friends. Dinner in the dining hall--can't say I missed that very much.

Also. Was watching a news program last night that said that vegans and vegetarians live 10-15 years longer. Which I passed on to Anna who is a vegan/vegetarian (depending on the day) and, not entirely seriously, told her I would give it a try. Guess who is now committed? We'll see how long this lasts. I'm betting not long.

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