Saturday, January 1, 2011

My Wish for you

Welcome to 2011! Fairly uneventful night. Hung out with one of my dearest friends during a party at her house, actually managed to be social (seriously, I entertained this guy with tales of theatre for like an hour. Love talking to people who are interested in theatre but know nothing about it.), and left by 11 to go hang out with 2 of my favorite kitties because I'm housesitting for a friend.
2010 was quite the adventure.
-Jan Term Show. Was actually cast in a play, got my onstage time
-Survived the ridiculousness that was SERA
-Had 3 consecutive tech weeks
-First professional SM job
-Worked the LEAP concert with professional dancers
-3.9 spring semester GPA
-Saw some of my dearest friends graduate from SMC
-Watched my babies grow up, graduate from Catalina, and move onto college
-First paid ASM gig working RENT. What a wonderful experience.
-Fell in love with Ace Dance Academy by working their annual show
-Summer at Santa Catalina, part 6. 2010 edition.
-My sister met her soul mate
-My sister leaving (and luckily returning) from Africa
-Decided on grad schools
-First real roommate
-12 hour days
-Angels in America. And all that jazz
-2 part time jobs
-Faced financial difficulties
-So many adventures with Danielle and Kathleen. And Andrew.
-Tanner's many awful injuries. No more breaking!!
-Asked out for the first time
-First kiss (not related to the asking out though...haha)
-Made many very important friends
-Some awful and some awesome fall classes
-3.7 fall GPA

2011. What does it mean to me? Nothing yet. But soon. It will be a year of changes. My life is started to slowly flip upside down and this year will just be the beginning of it. It's good though. Good changes.

As for quote rascal flatts, my wish for you is that this life becomes all that you want it to. Embrace it. Live your dreams. Don't let anything hold you back. Trust your instincts. Do what you love. Follow your heart. And above all, remember everything happens for a reason.

Love Love Love

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