Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Contrary to popular belief, rawr is not an angry noise. It's the noise I make when I have nothing else to say. Which actually doesn't apply to this blog but I just felt like saying it.

I love dance. Can I ever say that enough? It felt so glad to get back into it after a year away. It's a challenging class--all dance company members plus myself and another girl but I actually kept up pretty well.

My actual class should be...amusing...but I'll survive. I've actually already found some parallels to theatre so that's going to help.

I ate healthy today. Are you proud? I am. This is a rarity in my life.

And for your insightfulness for the day...

For me, family has never been defined by blood relations. I love my family, immediate extended and REALLY extended. And I realize how much I miss them when I'm away. It's never easy to leave home to return to school but I'm always satisfied once I return because no matter where I go, I'm always surrounded by family in one form or another. It's a great comfort.

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