Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I'm sure all of you (and by all of you I mean the 4 of you who read this) are wondering how ACTF went.

Simply put...I'm incredibly grateful for the experience.

Hard to believe but two weeks ago, we were in tech for our remount on campus. Our two performances at SMC went well. On Saturday the 12th, we were in the theatre until 1 am loading up the truck in preparation for touring. We then left the next morning at 10 am for Humboldt! The bus ride was uneventful for the most part. I actually enjoyed myself surprisingly enough and we made it up in less than 7 hours.
Arriving at the motel was a whole different experience. The Comfort Inn has some crazy issues but that just made our experience that much more interesting. I roomed with Danielle and Ashley, who were generous to give me the back bedroom. We had a group dinner at round table that night, an adventure at the Dollar Tree (yep, that's what we do for fun), some drama, and finally bed around 1 am.
We were up by 5:30, on the bus at 6:30, and at the theatre unloading our set by 7:00. The whole day was pretty much a blur but we have NEVER experienced an audience like that. When that wall hit the ground I was sobbing, knowing we would never have a performance like that one again. The audience absolutely loved us and we performed better than we had ever before. But no time for celebrating, just enough for a few tears of joy and hugs and we were off to strike. We finished with 7 minutes to spare, which ultimately ended up winning an award for best load in and out. Exhausted but exhilarated, we went back to the motel. I ended up walking 2 miles to a diner at 2:00 with some of the cast once we got back, even though we were pretty much dead. Oh and did I mention that was the beginning of the consistent 5 day downpour?
Tuesday we were pretty much in a fog. Actors did their acting competition, SERA had its reading, I did the first part of my SM competition, and we saw a show that night. Lots and lots of rain.
Wednesday was a day of relaxation for most. But it did start hailing. Saw another show that night.
Thursday I finished my competition and we headed home! The trip home was even more interesting considering it was snowing for at least an hour. So awesome.

Overall picture: It was wonderful. A lot went wrong but a lot went right, for me at least. I got to spend time with friends. I got out of school which was nice. And I spent a lot of really great time with my mentor. Besides the show itself, spending time with her (and Angela, our playwright for SERA and Linda's best friend) was the best part of the experience for me.

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