Friday, February 11, 2011

New Semester

The new semester is treating me well...better than usual actually. Over the past couple of weeks (and partly in Jan Term too), I've suddenly developed into the person I always wanted to be. Some of these reasons will appear superficial and against much of my philosophy but I mean them in the best way possible.

First, I've made it my goal to graduate magna cum laude next year. As of now, I can meet this goal. However it means I cannot let anything slip and I have all challenging classes both academically and artistically. Dance in Performance requires intense focus during dance performances which we attend, strong reading comprehension skills, willingness to talk in class, and ability to write clearly and eloquently about a challenging subject. Upside? Great class. Cathy is the professor. And Kathleen is in it. Women Playwright's means reading 2 plays and 2-4 pages of writing per week in addition to other papers and a major research project. This class has its challenges not only because of the writing intensive nature and necessity to read and comprehend multiple unfamiliar plays, it is taught by Rebecca. I had a lower division class of hers last semester and she marked me down due to my lack of consistent participation in class. Seminar has similar challenges--a lot of reading, a lot of writing, and a lot of needed class participation. My lighting design classes will challenge me artistically but are exactly what I need as a theatre professional. They will force me to become more familiar with lighting instruments, light plots, and to have confidence in myself as an artist. Plus they are taught by Michael and Linda--doesn't get any better than that!

We've only been in class for less than a week but I'm already speaking out more, doing homework more completely, and feeling more focused. This could just be the excitement of the first week but I'm glad that I've felt the urge to push myself harder.

Part of my confidence comes from a recent change in appearance. If you know me, you know my hair is both my best friend and my worst enemy. In simple terms, this means I love it when I'm dressing up because I have time to make it look nice and dread in on a daily basis because it is nearly impossible to tame it down to something simple yet pretty without taking too much time. I recently have found a new hair regimen to complete both before bed (when my hair is wet from the shower) and when I get ready in the morning. The frizzy mess is gone! I can manipulate my hair into a style that neither looks too formal nor too casual. This has made my confidence and over all happiness increase more than I would freely like to admit. In addition, my style has suddenly made a complete turn around. For someone like me, this doesn't mean all that much but I'll admit, I feel pretty good. I never understood how style could be easily integrated into a person's daily life without too much effort but somehow I've done it. Nothing is too excessive, it's just enough to put a little extra spring in my step.

All of these combined have made me a very happy girl. I feel like this is just one part of me that was dying to grow up and it finally has. Took it long enough! But really, I'm so much more satisfied with just about everything in my life. It makes the ridiculous moments just a little bit easier to handle. I never understood what impact fashion could have on your life but it makes me feel more like an adult than a adult trapped in a teenager's body. My carriage is different, my attitude is different...all excellent improvements as I move closer to the real world.

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