Saturday, February 26, 2011


For those of you who have been trying to get into contact with me...I apologize. Coming back from ACTF hit me harder than I expected and I'm still attempting to get my life back together. Between school and theatre, I've barely had a moment to organize my thoughts let alone find my system for dealing with everything this semester.
Just so you know what I've been up to...

-Rehearsals for Angels Among Us are in full swing
-I'm in 5 classes. All of which demand a lot of my time.
-I'm studying for the GRE
-I'm trying to find an internship. Need to have one locked down by April 25. No pressure or anything...
-I'm working on proposing my senior project
-I'm putting together a proposal for the class I'm trying to teach at summer camp this year
-Still have my jobs. Getting used to a new schedule is an adjustment.

And really, I'm just trying to get by. This will be one of the longest period of time I haven't gone home (February 2-April 15) and I do wish I had the opportunity to refresh myself but it will be worth it once I reach spring break. Just gotta survive until then.

So please bear with me and I promise, one of these days I will pull myself together

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