Friday, February 25, 2011


Idols. Heroes. Mentors. We all have them. They come in all forms. They might be our parents, our older cousins, our counselors, our siblings, a celebrity, or, if you're lucky like me, your mentor. There is no particular formula which designates who is an inspiration to whom but we have all experienced the intense adoration for those who lead us.

We think they are perfect. That's why we love them so much. They show us how to live. They hold ideologies and morals that resonate with us and we think their word is law. They are not necessary perfect but they are the closest representation to a perfect version of ourselves and we aspire to be like them. Even in their faults, they are wonderful. They teach us how to handle ourselves. And we couldn't be more grateful.

But something we forget is that they are human. And their human side actually binds us even closer to them. When we spend time with our idols outside of our regular setting, such as school or work, and experience actual reality with them...that's when we realize just how much they mean to us. They seem perfect before. But are vulnerable. They are really just like us. They have idols just like we do and they are flattered we think so highly of them. They want us to see them as flawless human beings but their flaws are what connect us. Sharing a private moment or seeing them while they are's not a sign of weakness, it's a sign of strength. That they allow us to see the other side of them shows their deep trust in our affection and care. And that is one of the most beautiful blessings you can be awarded.

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