Monday, November 29, 2010

One two three blast off

Alright, that was fun. Back to reality. Dance show tech starts tomorrow...which is technically today since it is past midnight. The good news? I'm ready. My lighting design is set to go, cue sheets ready for the crew, checklists galore. We're all set on that front. The bad news? Not exactly sure when I have time to sit down tomorrow. These 12 hour days are starting to wear on me. I'm going to literally have to schedule time to scavenge for food and consume it at one point.

We're in full swing Christmas mode here in Freitas 24. Our suite looked like Santa's reindeer spewed candy canes. Good thing I love Christmas. Oh. and we're having a party on Friday. You're all invited.

Finals. Oh finals. How I tried to forget they existed. It didn't work. Apparently my mind powers aren't working anymore because despite my best effort, I do still have to turn in a project on tuesday and take 3 finals next week. I'm just glad the other project and paper are already completed. I feel like I haven't had this much work for finals since high school. The days of taking 6 (or 7 if your art elective teacher was really evil) sound so long ago and mind boggling. In the seemingly short time since I graduated, I've lost my ability to rationalize the validity of finals. And no one puts happy little jokes and extra credit on their finals in college. Nope we're all about being serious in the performing arts department...okay that's a lie but not when it comes to finals. I do get extra credit in psych. However...these extra credit questions will not involve guessing a Christmas carol or drawing a picture...they will be twice as hard as the regular exam questions and will probably kick my butt.

Let the countdown to home once again begin :)

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