Monday, November 22, 2010

Be Thankful

As Thanksgiving approaches, I am overwhelmed with emotions. This is my favorite time of the year. SMC theatre show heading straight into dance show prep, thanksgiving break, dance show tech and performances, finals, christmas. I can't help but smile. Thinking about how lucky I am gives me every reason to get up and dance to proclaim just how much I love everything in my life. It isn't always easy to remember but everything happens for a reason. I don't know exactly what I believe. I believe in God, that much I am certain of. I love sitting in the chapel by myself, reflecting and engaging in silent prayer. Those are special moments for me. But I frequently have to thank His higher power for everything in my life. Times are tough. The economy still sucks. Morales are down. It's not an easy time for anyone which is why it is so important to find the good. My dad lost his job a couple days ago. But I'm grateful my mom still has hers. I'm going to be in serious debt with college and grad school. But I'm grateful I will have the opportunity to attend both. I'm sad that my time at Saint Mary's is going by too quickly. But I'm grateful for the times I get to spend with people and I'm remembering to appreciate every little moment. I push myself to work 12 hour days to get what I want. But I'm grateful that my stubborn and determined nature is paying off academically and professionally. When it seems like things are getting too hard to handle...step back for a second. Think about what you love and what means the most to you, leave everything else out. And that's what is going to get you through until the next day. For me, this means I'm thankful I have a loving and wonderful family that entirely supports me. I'm thankful for my high school giving me the tools I needed for success and for friends that will last a lifetime. I'm thankful for my best friends who will always be here to laugh with, bitch with, going on adventures with, and be proud to know. I'm thankful for Anna, for being in my life and sticking with me for the past 6 years. I'm thankful for Linda, for those moments we get to share in the theatre and for teaching me how to be the best person and stage manager I can be. And I'm thankful for everyone in my life. No matter how infrequently I see you, you matter. And you always will.

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