Monday, May 17, 2010


Down to the last week.

Monday: Attending the Acting 3 final: 12:00
Math Final: 2:00-4:00
Dinner with Linda and Danielle: 4:30
Work on Comm Final/finish up SM final: Whenever I get back until whenever I feel like going to bed..
Tuesday: SM final due at 2:00
Finish Comm final and edit Bay Area Final
Finish grad gifts
Wednesday: Turn in Comm final
Turn in and Present Bay Area Final 11:30
Check out of room: 2:40
Senior send off: 5:30
Show at Berkeley Rep: 8:00
Go to Sam's after the show
Thursday: FREEDOM
Show 8 pm
And a show at 8 pm
Saturday: Graduation, 9 am
Sam's grad party 2:00-5:00
Show 8 pm
Let the emotions commence
Sunday: Show 2 pm
Driving home
Lots. and Lots. and Lots. of emotions

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