Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Serenity Prayer

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference"

There is much in our lives over which we have control. But accompanying those controllable qualities are those we simply must accept.

We are born unique. Different lifestyles, different body types, different personalities. Our experiences will never the same as the next person's due to these distinct variations. There is no ultimate solution to the issues we face.

The key to happiness doesn't lie in self help books, documentary news programs, or even in the words of your best friend. Your ultimate peace lies within the pieces you choose to string together from each source of inspiration in your life. Inspiring quotes, mantras, stress relief--personal choices compiled into one philosophy for living. Relying on the world to provide for you won't do any good, you must take it upon yourself to find a way to establish a happy balance.

Am I happy all the time? Of course not. I still see myself as the awkward 11 year old with acne, glasses, braces, bad hair, bad clothes, no friends, and definitely no boyfriends. It's an image I've tried to shake but on bad days, that's all I see. But I can't let that limit me. Sure my face has recently decided to re-explode into a series of monstrous zits that stubbornly refuse to go away. But my hair has become something I love and cherish. I'm not entirely satisfied with my clothing but I feel confident when I leave the house. I'm not and never will be popular but I'm blessed with some beautiful friends, teachers, and mentors who are still there even when I feel like the lowliest human being on the face of the earth. And I've never dated anyone but still feel successful because I've begun a wonderful career and believe that the right guy(s) are just going to fall into line when I'm ready for it.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.
I cannot change the way my skin reacts to life. My skin will be forever more a pain in the butt to manage and I'll just need to be grateful for the moments of bliss when it settles down into something semi-presentable.
I cannot change my coloring. As my mom puts it, I'm not one of those girls who can wear any color and any style and pull it off--I have very distinct coloring and must dress myself according. Does this mean I can't wear the soft pretty colors other girls do? Yep. But I'll just get to wear bold, striking colors that might make me stand out even more.
I cannot control my personality. Naturally, I am a person who likes things a certain way, who is stubborn, and who is sensitive. But I can accept the flaws that accompany this demanding disposition and embrace the strengths.

Courage to change the things I can
I can embrace the career I have chosen for myself and let life happen as it may. Apply for the jobs, keep a smile on my face, and always have a back up plan.
I can be kind, generous, and good spirited even when I am feeling down. My negative attitude should never affect another person's world.
I can provide for myself and others to the best of my ability and recognize limitations. As long as basic needs are met, nothing else really matters.
I can take care of myself and understand how better to treat my body

And wisdom to know the difference

Life is a journey. Sometimes it takes awhile to realize the difference between what is innate and what is external.

Explore. Try new things. Push your boundaries. Discover how much of you is inherit and how much is an image you force upon yourself.

When times are bad, find a quote that reminds you of your values and your mission. Something that is true to yourself that wil encourage constant reflection on yourself as a person and your impact on the world around you. And when all else fails?

Just smile. In time, all things will pass

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