Monday, September 19, 2011


I feel like every post I have on here is a repeat of the last one...

But this is why I actually have no time to talk!

1. 5 classes
2. Internship, which is half an hour away, 5 days a week including Sundays
3. Work, 3 days a week
4. Assistant production manager for St. Mary's production of June in a Box
5. Production management duties for the SMC fall dance show
6. Soon to be stage manager for RENT in Walnut Creek
7. Senior project
8. Grad school essays
9. GRE studying

All of that combined leaves me busy 6 days a week with hardly any free time. Saturdays are my only "day off" and I've spent the past two working. I don't have any weekends to myself until Christmas... :)

So now you know. At this point it's a daily struggle to not fall behind so everything else is harder to fit in.

I am also not writing in this blog as much because I am writing in another blog to track my internship experience. If you want to read THAT blog, give me your email address and I will invite you

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

For those of you who don't think I could get any busier...

..well I have

I'm nearly impossible to reach these days not because I do not love all of you anymore but because as of today I have begun a professional theatre internship which has me in rehearsals 5 days a week in addition to 1 night of rehearsal a week at SMC, going to classes, working two jobs, working on my senior project, and applying to grad school. Needless to time has ceased to exist. Not that it really existed before but this time it really went away. I am thrilled about the internship as I will be working on an actors equity show (aka...the union, big time, professional) but it is half an hour I'm gone from 5-11 ish 4 nights a week and giving up much of my Sundays to this process. Yikes.