Saturday, August 29, 2009

Love this

I've spent my night reading posts and watching youtube.

It's a good night

Back in Moraga tomorrow finally! Moved in the girls yesterday. Can't believe they are seniors--where did the time go?? Sometimes I swear I feel like their mom...other days I feel like their sister...but I always feel like I have the best friends in the world. I love them.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I Love you to the ends of the earth

I love my friends more than anything.
Even when I have uncertainties in my life or I am extremely scared, lost, or confused, they know how to bring my back to my roots. Their presence remind me that I am loved, that I love them, and that no matter what happens they will always be there for me and I will always be there for them. We are each other's constant support.

And that's why I live an incredible life.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

My Role

My occupation is to be a good friend.

My job is to be a helper, a friendly smile, a hug, and a guide. I do whatever I can to help others out and support them through the good and bad.

This is my purpose in life. As a stage manager, I have to be the support the actors need and have the answers the production team needs. I have to always be positive, give them what they need, and take care of any problems that arise. As a family member, I am the quiet, sweet, fiesty, oddball who makes people smile every now and then and is always willing to help out. And as a friend, I am always there whenever they need me. That's my purpose and that's what I strive to be.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

There isn't always an explanation

I don't always have the answers. I wish I did. I like having answers, helping people out, solving a's part of my nature. But there are some things even I can't control (though if you know me, you know I have the will to control everything). All I can do is hope and pray that things turn out for the best and provide the best support I can for my friends. My friends are like my family and I would do anything for family.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Bittersweet Goodbye

I'm really not a fan of goodbyes. I hate having to leave someone knowing exactly how long it will be until I see them again. If I didn't know how long it would, I might have an easier time with it. But it was a really great night and I much prefer seeing Anna and Candace to staying at home because it's easier to not have to say goodbye.

I have a lot to think about these days.

First: School-immediate future. Going back to school, harder classes, living with friends, no reception, new school year, changes, auditions, ASMs, getting a job, balancing schedule
Second: School-near future. Figuring out transfer credits, visiting schools, applying for scholarships, making phone calls, applying to schools
Third: School-in the distance. Choosing a school, telling people I am leaving st. marys, making arrangements, finding money, visiting again, finding housing, choosing classes, starting all over again

I'm slightly overwhelmed considering this is something I've never had to do before. But I know it will all turn out okay. Just smile and remind myself that it's all happening for a reason. That which does not kill you makes you stronger, right?

Sunday, August 16, 2009

This is my cousins and aunts playing at the memorial barbeque for my Uncle Joe

I Love Theater

Just saw The Producers at Monterey Peninsula College today with Danielle. It was absolutely incredible. Besides the fact that I got to see a lot of friends (Catalina friends Bri and Camila and Katharine were in it along with my old dance teacher at Catalina and seeing it with Danielle was awesome), the show blew me away. The actors were so devoted to their characters and made the show extremely engaging. The choreography was intricate and well executed--not that I expected anything less from a Susan Cable production! The singers had amazing voices. The scene shifts (which were demanding) had the elegance and timing of a well choreographed dance and not a flat, wagon, or fly was out of place. The lighting was beautiful and all the light and sound cues were dead on--I seriously want to meet that stage manager. The cast kept the audience laughing and engaged throughout the entire production and I loved every minute of it. It's productions like that one that remind me why I love what I do so much. Theater has this indescribable effect on me, like I can conquer anything when I'm around it. The camaraderie of the people you meet and work with, the trials and tribulations of tech week which always result in a fantastic production, the amazing feeling you get at curtain call--that's why I do theater. It makes you feel like you really belong.

Friday, August 14, 2009


Holly Adams is now the Activities Director at Catalina!!
If you have no idea who Holly is, she was a senior when I was a freshman at Catalina and one of my senior big sisters. She has also worked at camp as long as I have been volunteering/working there. She was a counselor and then the activities director this year (makes sense!) and recently graduated from Willamette University in Oregon.
If you DO know who Holly is, you know how incredible she is and how awesome this position is for her!
Yay now I have more people to visit.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


It's a family tradition to go to the fair. Every year. And you would think that once I reached a certain age I would prefer going with my friends and find my parents boring.
Well...since when do I do anything that's conventional?
So tonight I am going to the fair with my daddy. My mom will come if she feels like it. She doesn't care about the fair quite as much. Daddy just goes because I make him. I guarantee you neither of my parents would go if I wasn't around.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Days till Fair: 1
Days until seeing Oliver: 2
Days until family barbeque: 3
Days until seeing Bye Bye Birdie: 3
Days until leaving for school: 18
Days until At Mrs. Dalloway's Party auditions: 22