Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My Memories

When I started theatre, almost exactly 7 years ago, I was really into displaying EVERYTHING. So I saved a program and posters and little notes I'd accumulated during the show and tacked them up on a bulletin board in my room. As theatre slowly started taking over my life, my boards became a shrine to my passion. By the time I graduated, I had 4 bulletin boards completely full with programs, posters, postcards, ribbons, notes, and anything I could salvage from the shows that could be tacked up on the board.

When I started college, I needed a new binder for every show. At the end of each show I would close the binder (happily...I'm usually very ready for closing night) and put it in a box under my bed. I now have two boxes full of binders and every now and then I pull them out. It's fun to see how my style has evolved and to also be reminded of what each show was like. The transformation from Abundance, my first college show, to Angels in America, my grad school portfolio submission, is drastic. Angels has not joined the morgue of old shows quite yet as it is still very much alive. Once the grad school process is over...that's when I will finally put that binder away.

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