Monday, August 30, 2010

Settling In

I am now completely moved in and settled at St. Mary's. Well...moved in at least. Takes me awhile to really settle into a new situation. I'm not a fan of change nor transition but once I'm comfortable in a routine, I'll be fine. I've already had many adventures including target, a 10:00 pm trip to in n out, and a frightening but funny encounter with one of my least favorite people and tomorrow is my first day of classes so that should bring even more excitement.
I am concluding my night by cuddling in my nice new bed with my stuffed animals and watching Julie and Julia as a reminder of the last time I saw this movie and the happiness that surrounded it.
Happy first day of Catalina, girls, I am so happy for you!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

What a Wonderful World

My final day in Monterey was amazing. I have my car back. I have a new *working* ipod player for my car. Both cars are packed up and ready to go in the morning. Got to see the campers/new freshmen at Catalina which was beyond wonderful and I'm thrilled that they are all together. And now I'm ready for school! Soon to be reunited with some of my best friends. And I already have a ridiculous schedule for the week.

7 am:Leave for school
9 am: Arrive at school, begin to unpack
2 pm: Show Alena where her classes are
5 pm: Work meeting
7 pm: End work meeting, TARGET trip with Danielle and Kathleen!

10:20-2:00: Class
6 pm: Work meeting

1:10-5:30: Class
Prep for auditions

10:20-12:30: Class
3:00: Work
4:20-7: Auditions

1:10-2:40: Class
3:00: Work
3:30-9:00: Auditions

10:20-2:00: Class
3:30: Performing Arts Department party
4:30-9:00: Auditions and callbacks

10:00-3:00: Callbacks

Smile, though your heart is aching

I sit in my room surrounded by my possessions and I can't help but have a aching longing for the memories of this summer. I have always had incredible summers full of laughter and memories but this one in particular was superb. Camp was a whirlwind of singing, dancing, hugs, kisses, and smiles. These girls fill my hearts with joy and I am so glad we came together to meet at camp. Although camp has ended for many of them, so many more will soon be joining their legacy. I feel as close to them outside of camp as I when I was their counselor which is a testament to the incredible bonds we have formed. I look forward to seeing them grow up.
I had to say goodbye to my sister once more and this time was different. I'd become fairly accustomed to the 6 month separation that had become a standard of our relationship and even survived an entire year. But how I say goodbye for 2 and a half years? On her 18th birthday, during her birthday announcement, I told her that no matter how far apart we are, I would always be her little sister. A few months later, she told me, "you're my sister. we're family. you don't forget family". We are put the test as she is just months away from leaving for Africa and changing the world. I could be upset that she is leaving during a time when I need her the most but honestly, how could you get mad at someone who is doing so much good for the world? For the time being, I put aside the selfish longing of wanting my sister here with me and focus on the power she has to literally change the world. It prides me to know she is unselfish, good hearted, and kind enough to give herself to others for this extended period of time.
The song Smile by Charlie Chaplin provides inspiration and comfort to me. It's powerful lyrics are applicable and necessary to take to heart at this point in my life.
Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it's breaking.
When there are clouds in the sky
you'll get by.

If you smile through your pain and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll see the sun shining through
For you.

Light up your face with gladness,
Hide every trace of sadness.
Although a tear may be ever so near
That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying.
You'll find that life is still worthwhile-
If you just smile.

My dearest Anna, I love you