Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sister Carlotta, May your Spirit Last Forever

Sister Carlotta was an absolutely amazing woman. She made Catalina the place it is today and I credit her to why it is such an wonderful school. She has touched so many lives. Her memory will never die and her legacy will live on forever.

RIP Sister Carlotta O'Donnell

July 19, 2009

Monday, July 13, 2009


This summer has been very strange
On one hand, it's been the best summer of my life. Greatest counselors, campers, and experiences yet. I've loved every minute.

On the other hand, it's been one of the saddest summers. Multiple high profile celebrity deaths, 2 Catalina associated women with terminal diseases, 3 out of 4 group 2 counselors with serious family concerns (I'm just crossing my fingers that my family stays safe and healthy). All we can really do is hope and pray that everything will turn out all right..

They all need our extra prayers.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Reasons Why I Love Camp

1. Starting my day early whether I like it or not

2. Company for dinner every night

3. Trivia

4. Doing musical theater 3 hours a day...and getting paid for it

5. Meeting so many awesome girls and getting to live with them

6. Random moments

7. Counselor bonding time

8. Dances

9. Dance parties

10. Singing. All the time. And not being judged for it.

11. Singing on the bus

12. My WONDERFUL theater campers whom I love to death

13. Hugs. All the time.

14. Visiting people's rooms

15. Being surrounded by amazing people all the time

16. Always having someone to talk to

17. Living in the same dorm as Anna and getting to spend quality time with her. Those are memories I need to hold on to forever because I don't know if we will ever get this opportunity again.

18. Getting to know former classmates even better

19. Meeting past Catalinans and discovering they are just as nice and kindhearted and amazing as they are rumored to be

20. Feeling safe and comfortable 24/7

21. Paycheck

22. Feeling like I have a purpose

23. Spontaneous dinner conversation

24. Campers accomplishments'

25. Listening to Anna and Danielle sing every night

26. Putting people to bed

27. Feeling like I am making a difference

28. Embracing every momet

29. Making lifetime friendships

30. Random and sporadic quality time with counselors

31. Dessert

32. Red vines in the office

33. Nancy Hunt

34. Counselor follies

35. Count off when it's super fast

36. Getting back to my Catalina theater roots

37. Being able to wear sweats to work every day

38. Chapel singing

39. Mass

40. Seeing the sisters

41. Ms Guido

42. Mr. Oder

43. The sweet campers who always give you a smile

44. Musical theater warm ups

45. Anna teaching me how to sing !

46. Group 2 counselors.

47. "Counselor meetings" aka gathering in Shaina's room and laughing about the ridiculousness that is our group

48. Check-Stripe

49. Group 1

50. The incredible feeling that I belong here

Showers are Wonderful

I look decent for the first time in 4 days (no I'm serious. this isn't a feel sorry for me moment. i'm stating a fact)
Mid afternoon showers inspire me to look nice
So I have put on my new clothes. Just to work in the computer lab and go to chapel singing and dinner.

I love having no reason to dress up


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Dear Life

Hmm. Not a huge fan of this whole tuition/room/board thing.

Crossing fingers everything still works out.

It always does...right?

I'm Watching Love Actually and...

...I wish I was British
That. Or I would settle for visiting England. Or knowing someone who was British.

I need to get out more.

Who wants to voyage to England with me sometime in the future??

Monday, July 6, 2009

Here We Go Again

I've had at least 5 blog sites

Apparently I have commitment issues

Why I consider myself one of the luckiest people in the world

-I live in an absolutely gorgeous area and find myself still discovering special things about it
-My parents support my hopes and dreams even if they aren't necessarily secure about my future
-Music is playing nearly 24/7 in my house in some form or another
-I've gone to the best schools I could have ever chosen for myself
-My friends are some of the most amazing people you are ever going to meet
-I have friends from all over the world and I keep in touch with most of them
-My family is crazy, wonderful, and very close
-I get to do what I love every single day and plan to do it as my career
-I have a computer, a cell phone, and a car.
-I got my wish: I have sisters ♥
-My support system surrounds me wherever I go
-I have hopes, dreams, and a future
-My house is beautiful
-My daddy is my best friend
-I've been hurt, forgotten, replaced, etc on numerous occasions but I'm a stronger person for it
-I save my money so that I can help others and I am happiest when I am making others happy
-I can read music
-Being a stage manager gives meaning to my life in ways I can't even describe
-Nothing is going to stop me ♥