Sunday, March 27, 2011


I've been seriously slacking on my blog posts. I have good reasons. Well more like excuses. But they do exist.

The computer is on its last life. I can get it to cooperate for the most part but it is very finicky and not entirely reliable these days. I'm hoping it can hold on a little longer.

We start tech on Monday. That's a frightening thought.

I've been sick since Thursday. Today is the best I've felt since then but I still have a cough. Luckily the sore throat seems to have gone away.

Those are the big things. No idea when I'll be able to update next but for now, I am still alive and functioning!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

On Hold

My photo blogs on hold for the moment. My computer decided to go haywire on Saturday morning and after over 12 hours of major computer surgery, a trip to the mac store, and my brilliant friend Kevin, my computer is back in working order. However I have no access to my photos until my parents send me my original disc for installing ilife '10. Once that's done I'll be back to posting.

Crazy, long, emotional, and exhausting weekend. Trying to survive until spring break. Upside? ONE MONTH UNTIL BREAK!!


Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 4

Day 04 - A picture of your night

A supremely awful picture but this is a picture from Fast Brass, a brilliant dance from the dance show I stage managed last spring and the most challenging for me to call. This dance meant a lot to me because it was so difficult to call but so rewarding in the end. I was watching the DVD of it tonight, analyzing every cue of course. There are mistakes but in general a very successful night. I'm grateful for the opportunity to have stage managed it and happy I get to watch the DVD of it to relive the memories.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 3

Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show

My favorite show is Medium, which sadly was canceled about a month ago. Very random ending too, no sense of finality.

I love this show was various reasons. Not only do I love crime solving shows, I'm really drawn to this cast of characters. Very strong female lead, supportive, devoted, intelligent husband, and 3 girls. In summary...that's what I want my life to be.

Minus the talking to dead people part.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 2

Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest

This is my dad and me before Father-Daughter Weekend Senior year, the highlight of the school year for me.

My dad has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. I've had many friends come and go since I was little but he's been there from the beginning. Our relationship has never wavered, not even during my teenage years. He's my number one fan and there for me whenever I need him.

Monday, March 7, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge

Since I lack ideas for blogs these days, I will join the mass amounts of people doing this and partake in the "30 Day Photo Challenge". To be put on hold when I have a random moment of brilliance

Day 01 - A picture of yourself with ten facts

1. I am missing two bottom teeth. They had to be pulled because they had no roots and would have remained baby teeth

2. I want a white kitten. I think I want to name her Nessa Rose because I love that character in Wicked for no particular reason.

3. My first daughter will be named Addison Ellis.

4. I been told both that I look young for my age and that I appear older. Never am I told that I look 20. By appearance, I look younger. But when I'm in a management setting, it appears that I am older.

5. I sleep with a stuffed cat and 2 blankets every night

6. I despised day camp as a kid

7. I love to read but I have difficulty with reading comprehension

8. My favorite show at Catalina was Once on this Island. My favorite memories came from Peter Pan and Angels in America. My dream show to work on would be Jersey Boys.

9. Shannon the stage manager is very different from Shannon the friend

10. No matter what, my friends and family come first. I am always available via cell if something comes up.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

I am a Unit

I don't walk through life alone. All of my success, my accomplishments, my goals...these were done in conjunction with the wonderful people in my life.

We pride ourselves on independence and individualism. That taking care of ourselves is the ultimate goal. And I love my independence. I very much want to be in control of my own life and don't like relying on anyone or anything to dictate me life.

But this doesn't mean I do it alone. Everywhere I go I am part of a cohesive unit and I love it.

In my family, my partner in crime is my daddy. He supports me and educates me and is there every time I need him. I am also a lot like my mom. We are so similar that we often fight due to these similarities. But she understands me better than most people. As my brother, Tanner is great and ridiculous and we get along much better than we would like to admit. He'll never say it but he actually enjoys how much we fight and annoy each other. As a Catalina girl I am one of many amazing and talented graduates of this amazing school. I am incredibly blessed to have attended this school and to be an employee of the camp. There is an instant connection you feel when you meet another Catalina girl and it's very special. Danielle and I form a team as stage managers. We complement each other's strengths and weaknesses and together we form one awesome stage management team. We are rarely apart. Even outside the theatre, Danielle Kathleen and I are a team. We just work so well as a group of friends that some days it's questionable where one person ends and the other begins. I find myself relating to different but lovely qualities in each of them and I love it. That's how you know how lucky we are; we just blend together seamlessly. And Linda and I form a team that cannot be defined but is incredibly special. It's a well know fact that when something needs to get done, I'm Linda's girl. When I have questions, about anything, I know I can come to her. And when she needs something done in the theatre, she know she can call me and I won't complain, argue, or question the request. I'm her assistant, mentee, and student combined into one crazy package. And it's awesome.

All of this is to say that we don't walk alone. We don't achieve our dreams without support. I know that I wouldn't be where I am today without the smiles, hugs, encouraging thoughts of those listed above and so many more.

I truly believe in the quote "I know I'm who I am today because I knew you". Every person I come into contact with has changed my life for the better and I cannot thank you enough for that. There are far too many wonderful people in my life to name and thank them all but, "because I knew you, I have been changed for good".

Time to Say Goodbye

Dear Angels,

This process brought me more than I ever though it could. It's hard to believe I almost walked away from this opportunity but fate led me to this project and I never looked back.

From day one, I knew this was going to be special. There are no other words to use besides that...special. As a company we bonded. We were introduced to four new friends and reaffirmed relationships with 8 others. We walked together...nothing could separate us. We had our challenges, we had our difficult moments but we were strong together. As soon as I heard "end of the world" play while Prior and Louis danced, I knew this wasn't going to be just another show you could run and run into the ground and get bored. Every night was a challenge.

What a lucky team we were blessed with. Reid, Michael, Linda, Debbie, Matthew, Ted, BJ, Robert...I couldn't imagine a more dynamic group to support us artistically. Their ideas resonated with us and they literally helped us fly. They were there every step of the way.

Having my best friend as my co-stage manager was a unique blessing in itself. Working with someone who knows you so well (and vice versa) makes the job almost seamless. Together, we form one dynamite unit. And that's something that can never be replicated.

Having the opportunities we did in attending the ALRP benefit, meeting Tony Kushner, and meeting Lori Holt...those are unique to us and our show. We are so fortunate for being able to do that as a company.

The first time our Angel was magical. She was glowing. Between the powerful sound cues and dynamic lighting, we couldn't lose with that moment. Everyone's heart raced as we waited for the wall to fall and soared as soon as she spoke her lines.

Performing for the SMC community with standing ovations every night was incredible. You never know how incredible your show is until you get that opening night audience responding with such open arms. We were on top of the world; we thought nothing could top it.

ACTF chose us to perform in Region 7. Suddenly, we had a whole new adventure to conquer. We were nervous, we were excited..and we were scared. Would we be able to pull it off? It had its challenges. Our beautiful Angel broke her foot. We had some crew changes. And we had to get the show back into our bodies. It took some adjustment and some frustration but we got there...we came back bigger and better than before.

Humboldt...I will never forget Humboldt. All of us together, hanging out all the time. Teching, performing, and striking all within 18 hours--who ever thought we could pull it off? Everyone was amazing and just moved as a cohesive unit.

Once again, when our Angel flew...we couldn't control our emotions. The audience was on its feet as soon as that wall hit the ground and we were sobbing, knowing this feeling was the highlight of our career at the moment. We were so incredibly proud of what we had just accomplished.

So now, here I am to say goodbye. And thank you. Never in my 6 year career as a theatre technician have I felt such an emotional connection to a play or to a company. It makes the goodbye that much harder to say but I know these memories will never be far away. I am incredibly grateful for everything I have learned, everything I was taught, everything I experienced, and everyone I was with. My life is forever changed and I'm so glad for it.

Friday, March 4, 2011


Yep, you heard me correctly. Me, attempting vegetarianism? Who ever would have thought this was possible?

Many of you know that Anna works for Peta. Educating people about the effects of eating meat is one of the biggest components of her job and, out of respect for her, I said I would become an "conscious meat eater".

What does this mean? Simply put, I am more aware of the meat products I consume on a daily or weekly basis and try to avoid them when I can. It doesn't mean I'm completely going vegetarian but I am definitely more aware of how much meat is in our foods and it has brought me some interesting insight.

I've always respected vegetarians, knowing how difficult it must be to not only find foods without meat but to be around those who don't always respect their philosophy. It really takes conscious decision making and exploration of everything you want to consume, especially if you are not used to it. Finding meatless items wasn't necessary difficult for me; it was resisting the temptation to choose those with meat. This isn't a problem faced by most vegetarians since they actually don't want to eat meat but it was definitely interesting for me to experience.

I will continue to be mindful of what I'm eating and why. I feel that this is important and while I won't convert to strictly vegetarianism, I will be choosing meatless items more often. Besides helping the environment, food will often be cheaper and not as many calories will be consumed! Everyone wins

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Grad School.

You know what's ridiculously terrifying? Grad school

Grad school isn't a given. I'm not saying that everyone is guaranteed to get into an undergraduate program but the general idea is "well, I'll get in somewhere even if it isn't my first choice". Grad school also requires a definite choice. You don't have to do it. this day and age, it's basically assumed you will take some kind of college course and get a degree. Whether is be associates or bachelors, most will go for it.

Graduate school is different. There is no guarantee you'll get in somewhere. And no one is making you do it. Not society, not your parents, not your friends. Actually definitely not your parents since all they want you to do is a get a job to start paying off the undergrad loans. Sure they're excited for you and proud of your accomplishments and know it will benefit you in the long run but right now, all they see if "oh my gosh what if she fails". Which you probably won't. But you might.

You apply to a few programs, not as many as undergrad most likely. And you are looking for something different this time around. You probably put in a lot more money when applying this time around. Or at least it seems like more because you're the one paying the testing and application fees. And paying for all those visits. And for what? The completely daunting thought always exists. What if you don't get in? Or, and this might be even more difficult, what if you don't get into your top choice? Do you settle for second best or do you wait a year? If you don't get in at all, the obvious choice is to get a job. But if your goal was to go to grad school right away to avoid the appeal of a steady income once you apply to grad might be on a completely different path now.

Scary thoughts.